The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

October 22, 2015
By Bmoss123 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
Bmoss123 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was very stormy, and it was a full out downpour outside. Marshall was sitting inside watching TV. Marshall started heating up though it was pretty cold outside and inside. He broke into a full out sweat by just sitting there. Next, he felt himself pass out.

The next day, Marshall woke up early morning in the edge to his woods even though he had blacked out on his couch.  He felt a lot more strong after his blackout than he had before. Then, he decided to take a walk through the woods to relax. While he was walking, he could not get past a log on the path, but he easily picked it up and threw it out of the way. Marshall was amazed how far he could actually throw it with ease. Next, he tried it on a big rock and threw it across a whole pond with ease. He felt amazing with this new discovery of super strength. He could pull an oak tree out of the ground and throw it with hardly any trouble. Since he was on cloud nine because of his new discovery, he fell straight through a cave into a new world.

Marshall was blacked out with a big thud on the ground to the new world. He awoke with a pounding in his head with dried blood matted in his hair from here he hit the ground when he fell. There was many different land odd plants and trees in this new world.

“You don’t belong here, “ something hissed. “Were you snooping around where you shouldn’t be?”

“What, who is there,”  Marshall groaned.

“It’s your worst nightmare,” it hissed.

Marshall turned over on the ground to see an ugly creature on four legs staring at him. It had big teeth and very sharp claws with a body shape that was almost human. It had red eyes along with a lion tail. The beast jumped at him as it let out a horrible growl. Marshall popped up off the ground remembering his strength he kicked it as it lunged forward. The beats was sent spiraling backwards into a big odd looking tree. The creature stood up on two legs with a little grin coming across its face.

“I get to kill a very special teenager. I guess that will be good eating for me and my brothers.”  the creature hissed.

“You could only wish that beast,” Marshall almost growled.

The beast lunged a second time, but Marshall caught the blow throwing Marshall back. Marshall hopped to his feet quickly while the beast was trying to bite his arm to the bone. Marshall hit him with an uppercut that with his strength broke many things in the beast head. Then, Marshall kicked it in the neck sending it flying into a tree breaking its neck killing it. Marshall stumbled back very frightened about watch just happened. He knew he needed to leave.Marshall turned around hearing something else in the bushes. Another beast that was bigger and stronger walked out of the bushes. The beast had huge arms and legs that fit with its big body. It looked down at its fallen brother. A deafening roar came out of its mouth in anger.

“You are going to pay for that,” the beast screeched.

Marshall just looked at the beast pretty afraid of how strong it will be against his own strength. The beast lunged forward at him snapping its jaws down inches away from Marshall’s face. Marshall tackled it backwards, but the beast ripped some of Marshall’s arm open. Marshall screamed. He hit the beast with so much strength in the leg that he heard it snap in half. The beast roared and flung Marshall into a tree giving Marshall a bad pounding in his head. the beast ran straight towards Marshall for the kill. He got up as much strength as he could and kicked the beast straight in the head. The beast went flying back breaking its back on a tree killing it instantly. Marshall knew it was over for the beast when he kicked it. Marshall then stumbled out of the realm he was in back to his own.

The author's comments:

I like action and adventure storys.


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