where did he go? | Teen Ink

where did he go?

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Where did he go?
It was a bright sunny morning at Clayton high school, just like every other day until a storm came out of nowhere and turned the sky pitch black.Bre was at her locker just like her normal routine when she noticed a trail of grey slim. After bre noticed the grey slim she followed the trails which lead her outside where she saw a person hiding behind a tree. She looked behind the tree and saw drake … she step on a tree branch and it snapped drake turned around fast and looked at her his mouth was covered in the grey slim. She looked down at the ground in front of drake but all she could see was a puddle of grey slim. Bre then runs back inside the school and goes to her first period class.Bres friend Emily saved her a seat in science class.
Bre has lots of friends; her three best friends are Emily, Zach, and Megan. Bre has blue eyes, long ombre colored hair, and she wears nerd glasses. She’s really strong and she helps others if needed. Bre was raised to work hard, and to treat others with respect no matter what they did or said to her. Bre will tell you the truth no matter what, and she will watch out for her friends, and family and she will always have their backs no matter what. Bre comes from a small town where everyone knows everyone.

Hey what’s up? Emily asked Bre
Nothing much. What are you doing? Bre replied to Emily
Studying notes for math class. Why were you late to science today? Emily asked Bre
Bre thought to herself for a moment “I can’t tell Emily the real reason I was late to class or else she would tell the school and everyone would think I was crazy”. “I um… couldn’t get my locker open Bre said to Emily.”
Oh really? Emily asked Bre
Yeah really. It was jammed or something but I got it open after the bell rang. Bre replied to Emily.
Oh okay… Emily said to Bre
Well the bell going to ring soon I’ll see you later. Bre said to Emily
Okay bye see you later. Emily said to Bre
Bre had to figure out what was going on with drake. She saw drake watching her when she stopped at her locker to get her math book. Drake was walking toward Bre.. Bre saw him walking toward her but before she had a chance to grab her books it was too late drake was already standing at her locker, she looked the other way, drake then went to the side she was looking at.
Drake: Hey can we talk?
Bre: umm….I don’t know? I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Drake: I need to talk to you about what happened earlier today.
Bre: okay… we can meet at the park later after lunch if you want?
Drake: okay see you then.
Bre was at her 5th period class which was P.E class. Bre couldn’t stop thinking about earlier and what she saw, the bell finally rang and Bre was on her way to the park to meet drake. Bre saw drake sitting on the park bench, she was walking toward drake when all of a sudden…there was a loud scream of a kid Bre heard the scream and took off running towards the sound she saw a kid and his mother the kid was screaming and the mother was crying. Bre didn’t see anything until she went over to see what was wrong. Bre saw the kid sitting in a puddle of the grey slim accept this time the slim wasn’t just coming from his mouth it was also coming from his eyes and his nose.
She didn’t understand why this was happening she ran to drake and told him what happened drake took off running towards the kid, he bent down to the kid and his mother and he said everything was alright he held the kid head down and squeezed the kids hand, he then grabbed his jacket and wiped off the kids face, the slim had stopped coming out of the kid .That was the first time Bre had ever seen Drake be nice to anyone.
After Drake was done talking to the kid he got up and went back down to the bench and sat down. Drake didn’t say anything at first … but then he pulled out his phone and showed Bre a picture she looked at it for a moment it looked like a robot it had a metal suit and a weird mask, Bre asked what it was and drake said he didn’t know what or who it was. That’s the reason why I had grey slim coming out of my mouth. The only problem is they don’t live here; they live on a different planet so we can’t stop them but it stops. Drake told Bre he had to go back home, Bre hasn’t seen Drake since that day.

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