The Heist | Teen Ink

The Heist

October 13, 2015
By Anonymous

    The Heist

"C'mon dad, you can tell me anything!" pleaded Michael. Michael was a 14 year old kid. He was kind of lean but not scrawny. He had dirty blonde hair they flowed like Justin Bieber's. He was pretty skilled at basketball even though he thinks his $400 dollar basketball shoes make him legend. Austin was Michael's dad. He had brown hair and a fit linebacker style body. He wore cargo pants with a pair of Doc Martins.
     "Fine, but I want you to take this as a lesson. Something not to ever do, and if you do I will beat you senseless." Austin stated.
     "Ok." Michael frightfully replied.
     It was noon in Budapest. The sun hung like a gold ornament in the sky. Not a single cloud in sight. We sat parked on the 4th floor of a garage building. I gazed out at the expensive looking building across from me. It had 8 large stone columns with two large rectangular Windows on each side. There were nice stone paved steps leading up to the doors.
     "Michael." Someone called out from behind me. I turned to see who it was. He had black running shoes with shin pads and jeans. He had a Kevlar vest with a bandana and military grade gloves. His name was Mason.
     "Yeh?" I asked.
     "Let's pack it up and go." He replied. Some part of me told me he was devious but you don't exactly have a lot of good heist pullers to pick from. I moved back over to the bank truck. In the back were two more people. Claire and drake. they both sat cleaning the weapons and going over the plan. Claire was our runner, she was very agile and stylish. Her blonde hair tucked into her hood with sunglasses and a red bandanna covering her face. She was the type of girl to jump and shoot you in mid-air, or at least try. Drake on the other hand wasn't . He was a black haired tyrant. Built like me but a good 3 inches taller than my 6 foot tall body. He had a sly smile with no mask or bandanna. He was ruthless but would get the job done. I hopped into the passenger seat as Mason got into the driver's seat and took and deep exhale. He started the engine of the armored car that would lead people to their death. He started driving down the garage.
     Everyone sat silent. The low hum of the car was the only sound being made. If you listened to it for a while it was actually calming. Would I become rich after this? Would I die? Will I get caught and sent to prison? All these questions ran rampant through my mind like a bird being let out of its cage for the first time. I grabbed my pistol and observed it. A killing machine in my hands. Something that could end someone's life in a moments notice.
     The car came to an abrupt stop. We sat in an alley behind the bank.
     "Alright everybody remember, speed and precision." Stated Mason. We drove up to the docking area where the bank truck backed into the bank. I could hear the clicks of safety being turned off in the back of the car. I screwed my silencer onto my pistol and waited for what seemed to be hours. The back of the car opened.
     "Bang!" I turned to see that drake shot the guard. He lay there lifeless like a statue that poured red. I got out of the car and went to the back being cautious for more. Claire pushed ahead quickly checking corners and looking for any interruptions. Mason and I jogged behind. We were in a gray loading room with some empty boxes. Claire opened the door ahead of me. I looked out to see a beautifully made building with stone polished floors and a classic look to it.
     "Hey!" Shouted a guard ahead.
     "Bang!" Gun smoked from Drake's gun.
     We turned and went into a long hallway with a gate. Mason took a drill out from his bag and began working on the hinges of the door. As he worked on that I kept look out wondering what could go wrong. I heard the faintest cop sirens coming nearer.
     "Oh boy sounds like our friends are on the way, hurry up and finish drilling!" Claire called out.
     From the corner of my eye I spotted a blue shirt quickly peaking out holding a gun in his hand. A deafening sound erupted within the building. All I heard was ringing, as I looked around the room I saw Claire lying on the ground paralyzed. Red poured from her stomach.
     "No!" I yelled but there was nothing I could do, nothing.
     "C'mon staring at her isn't going to bring her back." Mason said.
    "Door is down come on let's go!" Drake yelled.
     "Bang!" The cop shot again. We sprinted as fast as we could down the hall and took a right. There was a large silver door.
     "Back up!" Mason yelled. I stepped into the hall and kept watch. Reinforcements must have arrived I could hear their faint distant voices. 
     "Boom!" There was an explosions behind me that shook me to the core.
     "Open up!" Drake yelled. We ran Into the vault. It was all silver on the inside with boxes full of cash! I will become rich!
     "Bang bang!" Drake and Mason hit the floor. There was a cop standing gun in hand.
My insides boiled raging with anger. I pulled my gun and shot. He looked down with his mouth hanging open. I fired 3 more times.
     "Bang,bang,bang! He hit the floor with a thump. Blood poured like a fountain.
     I ran took a left and just ran. I could hear people shouting firing their guns at me. Bullets whizzed past my head. I turned and quickly squeezed off 3 shots. I rounded the corner and went out the door. I looked around I was outside, lost. I ran across the street with tunnel vision, just trying to escape the horror I just experienced. People were shouting and screaming getting away from me like I was a monster. Was I? I murdered people, does that make me a monster? I thought. I entered a parking lot and ran to the nearest car. I grabbed a rock and broke the window. I unlocked the door and got in. Mason had taught me how to Hotwire a car. The car’s engine revved. I speed away quickly to the nearest airport and then flew to the U.S.
     "And that's what happened." Austin said.
     "Wow, yikes." Michael said.
Austin looked deep in michael’s eyes. He hoped that he didn't turn out like his father.

The author's comments:

The Gone seris inspired me to write this.

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