The Night Staker | Teen Ink

The Night Staker

October 12, 2015
By johnathonrusher20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
johnathonrusher20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.
I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.
I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.
I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.
I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.
I woke to the sign of horns and siren’s going off, as I got up I soon realized it was only a dream. I got up and got dressed and my attire of my yellow jack with holes in it and my back and yellow matching pants. Made myself a cup of plain black coffee, and got my dogs ready by shouting their names dog 1 dog 2 dog 3 and on and on.  See it’s not always easy being a villain, but I manage to do it anyways. Yesterday was a hard step in my plain of ruling the world. Not because I’m not smart enough to. It’s that’s so great Mr. Man want just fall over and die, so I had to kill him but that didn’t go as planned I failed as normally. See being a villain is not the worst job in the world, but it is the you know how mush courage it takes to stick with the same job even though you fail over and over again? I don’t even consider it a job anymore even though I say it is I more less consider it a part of me . As a hero would, but it is more fun to be evil. As I was saying I need to get on with my plain of the ruling the world. I get in my car and go. Being a villain you need to be noticed, so I’m going to blow up the white house sounds easy? It’s not. I need to put the dynamite in front and in the back of the house the white house. What a stupid name for a house. Why do house even need names.
           As I manage to cause a distraction in the front I plant the bombs in the front and somehow manage to get though the guards in the front to plant the bombs. As I finish I get caught by a guard and I can’t shoot him it will blow my cover so walk up to him and hit him over the head with a rock. I then change clothes so now I appear as a guard and walk into the the building and plant an additional bomb for good luck. The big man says, hey Tim. Why aren’t you outside protecting the building? Hey wait a minute you’re not Tim. I said you got that right and before I know it he shouts the phase yellow-one niner guards appear out of nowhere. It’s a good thing I brought my dog caller for good luck. My dogs are waiting to tear some people up. I slap my hand on the trigger and all you can here is tons of dogs barking. At the end of this bloody encounter with the president and his personal army we did not win because Mr. Man came through the roof saving the day and scared my dogs out the building. It’s me by myself and if I press the bomb it will kill everyone as I press the bomb Mr. Man shoots me out the building. I see him walking towards me so I trigger the bombs and BOOM! Flames and debris fly everywhere in the sky! At first I thought, “Oh, I’m going to jail because Mr. Man would do some voodoo magic of his superpowers and get them out but, no, no one made it out in time. I shouted in disbelief and joy. I finally did it! I won its over its all over I going to rule the world. Everyone around me bowed down to me not because the wanted to because they had to. As my first act of begging king of the would I would help anyone and everyone that was blind, death and etc. Not because I’m turning soft. Because I know what it’s like begging alone and not have any help. My second act was to give every animal that didn’t have a home a big nice home with a family that would love and take care of the animals. And last of all give five hounded thousand dollars to every family that is going through hard times. You might ask why would I turn myself in I have everything I want and need? Well that’s just it I don’t need all of the money in the world to be happy I have people who cared and loved me. See my mom and dad give me up because they were not not fit to be parents and they cared so much that they me to better and nicer family that were supposed to care and love me but they didn’t at all. They told me that no one cared about me but me, but I knew that wasn’t true. And I will have lot of time to think about that. So in a way I not that much of a villain any more.

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