Revenge on the Red Horns | Teen Ink

Revenge on the Red Horns

October 15, 2015
By TateTroutner BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
TateTroutner BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

August 8, 1822
         12 year old Jack Thrasher had just gotten home to his family’s small farm in Tombstone Arizona. As he was walking up the driveway he noticed a broken window and bullet holes all over the house. He immediately ran into the small cabin. As soon as he got through the door he saw his mother and father lying dead on the floor. They had been shot so many times he could barely tell who they were. He dropped to his knees sobbing. As soon as he dropped to his knees, he saw a bull horn painted red next to his father. He stopped crying as soon as he saw it and got extremely angry. He knew exactly what had happened. The Red Horn Outlaws had killed them. At that moment Jack vowed that he would train until he was ready, and kill every member of the Red Horns for what they’ve done.
The Red Horn Outlaws are a vicious group of robbers and cattle rustlers. They will kill anyone who gets in their way or is even just standing there watching them rob someone or stealing cattle. They were hated by everyone in the area. People are way too scared to do anything about them, though, even the sheriffs. Their mark is leaving a bull’ s horn painted red at every crime scene.

Jack packed up all of his things and as much money as his parents had and rode his father’s old mare (which was the only animal that the Red Horns didn’t steal) two his best friend, Bruce Burner’s house.  Bruce and Jack have been best friends since they were just knee high to a grasshopper. Bruce is shorter than a normal 12 year old and has brown hair. Bruce is really athletic and will do anything to help Jack out. He is the perfect person to help Jack on this amazing quest.
June 2, 1833
Jack and Bruce have grown a lot since the incident and the day they started training. They are both twenty-three now and ready for anything that might come their way on this amazing quest to take out the Red Horns. Jack is tall and masculine. Bruce was still short but has the athletic ability. Jack and Bruce both were very skilled marksmen and fighters now. They are ready their first mission.
Downtown every Saturday at the back of the saloon there is illegal boxing matches. Bruce found out that Jamie VanHorn, one of vicious Red Horn leaders, would be fighting Saturday. Jack decides that would be a great time to take him out, so Jack enters the fight. Jack and Bruce know that Jamie VanHorn is a better fighter than Jack, so they have a dirty trick up their sleeve.
It’s  the  night  of  the  fight  and  anything  can  happen.  Jack enters the ring and waits for his adversary. Jamie VanHorn climbs through the rope and swaggers to his corner with a cruel look on his face. He has a nasty scar on his right cheek that is half covered by a bushy blond beard. He took his robe off and the starting bell rang.
VanHorn lunged at Jack hitting him square in the jaw. Jack did not show that it hurt, even though it hurt extremely badly. Jack came right back with an upper cut and smashed his jaw. VanHorn went down.
“1..2..3..4,” said the ref.
VanHorn is back up. Jack is glad though because he needed him to stay in for just a little bit more so that he could finish him. As soon as the fight resumed Jack pulled a small knife from his glove and slit VanHorn’s throat. Blood splattered onto the referee and jack jumped out of the ring and hustled outside. Bruce rode up on his horse, Bullet, leading Jacks horse, Cannon. Jacked jumped onto Cannon and they sped out of town.
When Jack and Bruce arrived back at their “hideout,” Bruce told Jack that the next chance they would have to get rid of some Red Horns is in two days.
“Jonathan Vera, George Hamilton, and  Cam Tylers will be running the gallows tomorrow,” said Bruce
“Ok, I know a good spot that we can shoot from and not be seen,” said Jack,” and it’s close enough we can easily get them with our pistols.
“Also, what time is the hanging?” said Jack.
Bruce answered,”Noon.” 
“Not the best time,” said Jack, “but we’ll work with it.”
Bruce answered,” Yep.”
The next day Jack went and set up post on tree line twenty yards away from the gallows. Bruce was in the crowd so if anything went wrong, he would be there. When the Red Horn boys get on the platform to hang this man that Jack and Bruce have no idea who is, Bruce notices that Tylers is looking around nervously.
“It’s like he knows something is going to happen,’’ thought Bruce.
All of the sudden there was a gun shot and down went Tylers. The gun shot wasn’t from Jack’s direction. The other two jumped off the platform and Jack took one of them out. The other made a run for his and Bruce threw a bowie that stuck straight in his back. Jack and Bruce ran toward the saloon, which is where the first shot came from. Jack saw a head peaking around the corner of the saloon.
“Sneak around back and grab him and then I will come in and tie him up,” Whispered Jack to Bruce.
“ok,” Bruce answered.
Bruce stealthily walked behind the saloon and grabbed the man. Jack ran back and put his six shooter to the man’s head.
“Who are you and why did you kill that man,” Jack scowled.
The man answered,” I’m nobody you want to mess want to mess with and killed the man cause I felt like it.
“That’s a not a nice thing to do,” Jack said with a chuckle as he pulled the trigger.
“What’d you do that for,” Bruce said
Jack answered,” It’s not nice to kill a man for no reason.”
“Oh I see,” said Bruce
Jack and Bruce came back to where they put the horses and rode back to the hideout. When they got there they noticed a note lodged into the window frame.
It is a white envelope with a Red Horn stamp. Jack began to read.
It is a letter from Jon Black, the leader of the Red Horns, saying that he know he killed some of his men that Jack and his buddy have two days to get ready for a fight.
Over the next two days, Jack and Bruce spent their time getting supplies. They got a ton of bullets and a few new guns. Also, they got a bunch of explosives. They are ready for just about anything that Jon Black could throw their way.
At somewhere around two A.M. a bullet pierced the cabin wall and woke up Jack and Bruce they rolled off their beds onto the floor and grabbed their guns. Jack peaked out the window and Jon Black waving his pistol and repeating,” I know you’re in there, come out come out.
Bruce lit a wick that leads to buries gunpowder. There was a big boom and a bunch Red Horns flew all over the place. Jack aimed out the window and fired rapidly taking out at least four Red Horn members. While jack reloads Bruce has a lever action rifle and is taking long shots. Jack and Bruce took out a lot but they just kept coming.
Jack and Bruce were forced to run outside to the barn, but all of the sudden there was a boom and Jack heard Bruce yell with pain as he burnt to death. Jack can’t think about his friend right now though, because he has the rest of the Red Horns to worry about. Jack reloaded and took cover behind a big pillar in the barn.
The first wave of Red Horns burst through the doors. Jack lit a stick of TNT and chucked it at them. It blew up most of them and Jack shot the rest, but right after that more men came busting in. Jack only had that one stick of dynamite but he already used it. He shot and killed six of them but right  before he shot the sixth man, he felt a sharp burning pain in his shoulder and he realized he been shot.
He pulled out his other and that is all he has. He took another shot to the leg and then to the chest. Right before Jack collapsed, Jon Black walked in. As he was falling, Jack took a shot and it hit Jon Black straight between the eyes.

The author's comments:

Jack thrasher is trying to get revenge on a vicious group of outlaws 

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