the shifter | Teen Ink

the shifter

October 9, 2015
By seniorsuisi BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
seniorsuisi BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drip. I could hear the sound of my blood trickling onto the cold cement floor. drip. I look up to see the man who brutally slaughtered my brother with a sledge hammer as I try to shift into a snake so I can slither away. The man grabs the back of my head and tells me that he’s going to finish me the same way he did my brother.  My name is Jake Serincarra, I am a fifteen year old shapeshifter and last month my brother was brutally murdered by this random guy named Chris mcafoose. I have sworn on my life that I would kill that man. I have been searching for him ever since my brothers funeral. Today I have finally caught up on his trail.
As I was walking along the road that had his trail on it I could hear this weird hum it’s kind of like this vrrrr than I turn around to my surprise there’s like three or four motorcycles coming up from behind me at first I thought that it might have just been a group of bikers until I notice a familiar sign on the front of them.  I remembered that the sign was from the guy and his gang that killed my brother  when I realized that I decided to start a fight I grabbed a rock and threw it at one of them the man got off of his bike pulled out a gun and started shooting towards me not hitting me even once by the time he even started reloading I was already gone he had literly shot half of his banana clip at the air. I knew the man went going to give up that easily so I made him chase me when shifted into a cheetah I decided to run with him chasing me for a good twenty miles. Then I got tiered of the stupid game I was playing on him so I decided to give him the slip I darted to the left causing him to fall off of his bike and onto the ground after that I followed the rest of the biker gang and got to the where house as they drove away I started to slowly creep up to the place and there he was the man that had offed my brother I wanted to just go up there and get him but I couldn't he would see that coming so instead I was just about to creep inside and yank the guy that I made fall off of his motor cycle grabbed me by the back of my neck and through me in front of the killer they started talking I didn't know what they were saying but then out of nowhere the guy leaves the room and the murderer started to stare at me and told me that he was going to hang my head on his wall then he through me a knie and he grabbed a hammer so I formed into a gorilla and charged at him I got stopped tho he hit me in the head with a giant log the size of him I woke up about an hour later hanging upside down I could feel blood trickling down my chest I was looking around my body to see where all of the blood was coming from it was my leg I could see five nives stuck in it out of nowhere i saw Chris throw one and sure enough it got stuck in my leg immediately I couldn't feel it though. I think that I had lost to much blood to feel anything just as I was about to turn into a snake so that I could slither away he grabbed me by the back of my neck and told me that he wod kill me the same way he did to my brother so I bit him I couldn't rely on standing because of the loss of blood so I decided to go back with my first attack a monkey only thing that I changed was that I shifted into a gorilla and crushed his leg he pulled out an ak47 and shot all of the bullets at me he hit Amy arm ten times than he stabbed me in the stomach before I fell to the ground I smash his chest causing him to pit blood all over my hand right as I started to fall I could see my brother was I
He was dead I woke up later in the hospital the doctor told me that a strange man with long blonde hair brought me in the doctor also said that the man said he was my brother I wanted to get up and eat the doctor but then he said that the man said that I would think that he was dead so he also had to give me something it was my brother Swiss Army knife when I took it from him looked at and started crying they were tears of joy he's alive I left the hospital and ran around with an image of him that the doctor had given me I was showing evry person I saw the photo and asking if the had seen him it seemed like forever before I actually found somebody that had seen him the pointed the way that they had seen him go and when I left that person I shifted into a blood hound and followed his trail on the fifth day of tracking him I got him within a mile radious I started to walk like a human from there I found an old abandoned warehouse so I stayed there for a night and went back on my hunt the next day and found his building that he was staying in I walked up to the door and tried opening it turns out it was locked a knocked and then I heard another door open and slam shut I went around the buiing and saw him running

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