The Ranger Chronicles | Teen Ink

The Ranger Chronicles

May 11, 2015
By Cpt.Craig BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Cpt.Craig BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments



Drawing back on the bowstring, feeling the feather touch my cheek, my eye focused on the lone Orc. Slowly I released the arrow sending it straight through the Orc and impaling the tree behind it. Scanning the surroundings, from the bush I was hidden in, I confirmed; no Orcs around. I walked over to the tree, pulled the arrow out, placed it in my quiver, and returned to the campsite.
A boar was roasting on the fire. Grabbing the sharpening stone and pulling the used arrow out of the quiver, I began to sharpen it. Around thirty minutes later an ominous chant could be heard. I doused the fire, placed the arrow in my quiver, and ran into the bushes as I melded into the shadows. One hundred Uruks marched in front of me. As they passed, I could feel the ground thundering beneath my feet. A few Uruks smelt the smoke and investigated. An Uruk was within five feet of me. Satisfied that nobody was here, they returned to the company. Once they passed, I re-appeared, and took the shortest path to Minas Ithil to warn Anarion, the captain, about the upcoming assault. I rushed passed the guards and ran up to the tower. Anarion was planning to raid an Orc camp a few miles away.
Anarion exclaimed, “What is the meaning of this?”
With a tiresome tone I replied, “Uruks are on the move, at least one hundred are on their way here.”
Anarion laughed, “Nothing we can’t handle here.”
A scout slammed through the door, “Three thousand Uruks are approaching sir, we’re outnumbered, and they’ll be here by sun down." Anarion gathered the thirty rangers in Minas Ithil and told them to prepare for a battle that would determine the fate of this city.
"Alanfrid, how many arrows do you have?"
"Ah, Theomere good to see that you're with us."
"This is my home, Alanfrid, I will defend it till my dying breath."
"I understand, and to answer your other question, I have fifty arrows."
"This is going to be one helluva fight; I only have thirty five."
"You could borrow..."
"It's ok, keep yours."
Theomere and I went to the armory to equip our armor and weapons. Theomere put on his armor and grabbed his family's Great sword. I put on my leather armor and latched my saxe knife and long sword to my belt. A horn sounded in the distance.
"Men to your posts! The enemy is upon us!" Anarion bellowed
We all sprinted to the wall preparing to face three thousand Uruks. As I passed the last step, I witnessed the hoard of the Uruk-hai and trolls. Their haunting chant was heard.
"How many strong? Cassandra."
"At least ten thousand Uruks and around one hundred trolls, Alanfrid."
"This is far worse than we imagined."
Their chanting went dead as a second blast of the horn echoed throughout the city, and the Uruks began their assault.
"Stand fast men, you are Rangers of the free world, you will not let this city fall to the blackness that is here to destroy everything we have sworn to protect." Anarion's voice was heard clearly amongst all the chaos.
Simultaneously, the thirty Rangers launched a volley of arrows at the black hoard in the field. Thirty direct hits, with no apparent damage. We send volley after volley into the mass and still no apparent damage. The Uruks finally reached the wall.
"Ladders! Focus on the ladders!" I yelled, dropping my bow and drawing my long sword and saxe knife. The first Uruk met my blade and collapsed. Soon, the walls flooded with Uruks, and I witnessed Anarion fighting three Uruks when he took a devastating blow to his shield rendering that arm useless. He slew the ones he was fighting. Then twenty Uruks massed around the Captain. He didn't stop fighting until he drew his last breath. The remaining Rangers fell in combat or had fled the battle. I soon found myself standing next to Theomere.
"Still alive? Alanfrid," Theomere asked breathlessly.
"Still in one piece, old man?"
"Alanfrid, I have an idea."
We were forced apart as more Uruks attacked us. I struggled to find Theomere, but then suddenly our backs hit each other.
"What's the plan?"
"You're lighter on your feet, right?"
"Yeah wh-"
"Good, then leave. I'll keep them at bay."
There was a momentary break in the fighting and Theomere handed me his Gold Star medallion and began to draw his great sword. Without looking back, he charged at the hoard of Uruk-hai and swung the great ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬sword like a warrior possessed by the ancestors.
"Haha!" Theomere laughed as he lobbed the heads off of two Uruks.
He swung the great sword with ease as he slew the Uruks. As he sliced his sword cutting an Uruk in half, a troll threw a ranger's corpse at him. Theomere barely dodged it when the trolls massive hammer came down. Theomere deflected the overhead attack, his sword shattered into pieces. Noticing the troll's gap in the armor, Theomere jumped onto the troll and then maneuvered onto its shoulders. He used all of his strength to stab his broken sword into its skull. The troll fell down to the ground bringing Theomere down with it. A cloud of dust filled the air around the dead troll. Theomere emerged from the dust and glared at the hoard.
"For the free people!" Theomere bellowed, his shout heard across the whole battlefield. He ran at the hoard, scooping up one of the dead Uruk swords. All he had was a broken great sword and a Uruk long sword- twirling the two weapons around his body killing anything within his reach.
"Come on! Is this the best you can do!?"
He stood covered in blood and in a circle of dead Uruk-hai. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw flames appear followed by an eerie silence. A black robed figure emerged from the flames.
"Mortal, you have fought for naught. This city is now in the hands of the Eye. Die now fool!" The robed figure's voice was powerful and horrific. It drew its jagged sword and pierced Theomere's heart. Theomere coughed up blood, dropped to his knees, and then fell to the ground. Knowing I couldn't do anything to save him, I ran. An Uruk got a lucky slice as I fled, he struck me in the side. As I was hit, I swung my long sword at his head. I exited the city, and saw Cassandra's cloak. I quickly glanced around not seeing any sign of her body. I went anywhere I could. All I could think about was Cassandra; where could she have gone? She would never have fled from a battle. Why did she this time? After three months of walking, I came upon the village of Bree, a small town and trade station. Now I hope I can find someone to help me fully heal my wound and to see if anyone had seen Cassandra. I must know the truth.

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