Abducted | Teen Ink


March 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Alice is sleeping in her king size bed in her nice big bedroom. Her parents are in bed already asleep. Alice is fifteen years old with blue eyes and brown hair. She is five feet tall and ony wieghs one hundred twenty pounds.

Around midnight a stranger wearing all black, even around his face except around his eyes, broke into Alice's house. He walked right by the parents room, not worryin about them waking up. He walked up the stairs to the second floor where Alice lays asleep dreaming. The stranger picks her up out of her bed very gently so she will not wake up.

The stranger gets out of the house without being heard or seen by anyone. He puts Alice in the backseat of his car and drives away with her without her realizing it until he hits a big bump in the road. Alice wakes up, realizing that she is not at her house nor does she know that guy that is driving the car.

Instead of being scared and yelling for him to let her go, she asks him a question.

"Where are we going?" Asked Alice.

"Somewhere that will be a quiet place where no one can hear you scream." Replied the stranger.

A few miles down the dark road she leaned forward to the front seat.

"Why are you taking me?" Asked Alice.

"Because you are the only one who can complete my collection." Replied the stranger.

A few hours later, Alice wakes up realizing what she thinks happened last night was only a nightmare. So she thinks.

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School Assignment


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