Doors | Teen Ink


March 13, 2015
By rosiefigueroa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
rosiefigueroa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The destroyed city, where abandoned buildings speak louder than the people. Passing by all the quiet houses and broken down cars. The empty streets and dark shadows walking in the alleys. Very little sign of life. The grey sky and dark clouds seem to be what the city is known for. Except for its reputation with crimes that occur on late nights. The air always dry and chill. The small women walked a few paces ahead of the small man following.

“Are you sure you know your way around here?” The small man says.
“Of course I do.” The women says.
“We’ve gone around this block twice now.”
“Now we’re just waiting for the signal.”
“They know that we’re here?”
“Yes, they’re always two steps ahead of everything.”

From a distance, they hear a bird call. There hasn’t been any signs of any animals since before the war. The man and women look at each other and follow where they heard the noise come from. As they pass by an alley, they hear the bird call again. They start walking into the alley, one hand on their gun. They hear a door on the side of the building swing open behind them. They turn around quickly and pull out their gun. They find a large man pointing two guns at them.
“Drop the weapons!” He yells.
“Who are you?” The man screams.
“Drop the weapons and follow me.” He demands.
The man and woman look at each other and slowly put the weapons on the floor. They start walking towards the door the man is holding open. He starts to lower his gun and points us towards the long hallway. They start to walk down the long, dark hallway with the large man on their tail with the gun still in hand. They reached the end of the hallway with what seemed like a dead end. The large man noded towards the wall on the left.
“Push the wall.” He said.
“Where does it lead to?” The woman asked.
“You’ll find out once you push it open.”
“You do it.” The small man said to women.
“Of course you would tell me to do it.”
“You’re the one that got us in this mess.”
“You’re always blaming me for your mistakes.”
“My mistakes? When did I screw up?”
“When you lost your job and this became our only choice.”
“We had other options, dear.”
“None that would actually pay off.”
“We can figure it out together. We don’t have to do this.
“You don’t have to come with if you don’t want to. But I’m going in. And if I die, at least I died trying.”
“I’m not letting you go by yourself.”
“Then you can follow if you’d like.”
The young woman pushes the wall slightly and it swings entirely open. She stands in the walkway stunned at the endless doors she sees. In the center, there’s a large steel door with a separation in the middle. Along with 4 doors on each side of the steel door. The large man noded toward the steel door. They young woman walks slowly to the door. The large man pushed the button beside the door that has an upward arrow. The steel door opens on each side simultaneously to a small square space with mirrors as walls. The woman walks in and the feels a shift as the large man walks in. He pushes another button beside the door with a number 3 on it. She feels a shift upwards and feels the room being lifted for a few seconds and feels it come to a stop. The steel doors open to 3 different hallways, each with a different sign that has a letter.
“When are we gonna get there?” The women asks frustratingly.
“We’re already here.”
“There’s endless doors, and floors, and hallways! I’m wasting my time.”
“Do you want in or not?”
“How long is this going to take?”
“Until you find who you need to see.”
“But that could take all day in a building like this!”
“Well you better step on it.”
“Can you at least lead me the way?”
“Not anymore.”
“Can you at least give me a hint?”
“You’re on your own now. Good luck.”
The large man opens the far door on the left and disappears.
After hours of making her way through the doors and hallways, retracting her steps to take a different path, she finally finds a door painted gold with many small lights above it. She barges in with all her strength to push open the heavy door. She couldn’t believe what she saw. The small man she came with sitting in a chair behind a big table with giant stacks of money. And around the table dead bodies. He looks up at her and smiles.

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