Sh0ckMasteR | Teen Ink


March 12, 2015
By Sh0ck BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
Sh0ck BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
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It was a lone day on the eve of March. The Empire State building stood firm and relaxed, unwavering in the cold. Atop the building sat a teenage boy of sixteen, almost seventeen, in his sleek, black Iowa hoodie, and even darker pants. He sat there listening to the sounds of heavy metal, songs of Fozzy, Metallica, Savage Messiah, and Disturbed, along with some Judas Priest. How did this boy get atop the building? And how did this Iowan end up in New York? Is he on vacation? No, he simply needed to go for a walk.
Power lingers within him, like a fire that never fades nor withers. Across the ages, men have been chosen to wield great power. From the dawn of Homo-Erectus to the days of strife to today, a select few have been the Shockmaster. The Shockmaster is a being of boundless strength and magic, often attuning themselves to the power of lightning and the storm. They wield weapons that shatter the fabric of reality, and defend the weak and powerless from those who would use them. They have many names: Stormknight, Shocker Awe, and Shock Incarnate. Today, in the modern world, the boy goes by… St0rm L0rd Sh0ckMasteR. Don’t ask why.
Today was not his day, however, as one of his rivals decided to invade. Sh0ckMasteR was listening to Ride the Lightning by Metallica (ironic, he knows) when the sky turned to crimson, and the gates of hell opened wide. Sh0ckMasteR leaped from the top of Empire and landed unscathed on the ground. Sh0ckMasteR assumed his ultimate form. Eight feet tall and well built, gold armor with lightning accessories, violet cloth, and a mask to hide the grin he always had when he went through this metamorphosis. In his right hand, he held a great- sword clad with sapphires and a secure golden hilt, this blade was the Lightning Destroyer. In his left hand, a scythe that once belonged to the Dark Lord of Hell, but he no longer needed it. It was once dark and brooding, embellished with skulls. Now it was still brooding, but golden and adorned with lightning accessories, it was now known as the Harbinger. Sh0ckMasteR stared at the gate until he came out, the Left Hand of Chaos. Finally, a demon in black, hellacious armor sauntered its way out of the gate, with a sword in its left hand and a maul in its right, it could only be….
“Kneelzebub, how long it has been,” said the Sh0ckMasteR.
“Spawn of the Storm, Seeker of the Sun, how I have waited to see you die. You caused me great grief when you killed my father and plundered his scythe. Now I am stronger than he ever was, and I will see you burn along with your precious sun!” Kneelzebub exclaimed.
“None of you demons will ever understand. The sun is what gives me strength; it is what gives me hope when there is none. My progenitors and I have defended this world and its star since its dawn. I am the Sh0ckMasteR and I praise the sun!”
Sh0ckMasteR unleashed a bolt of lightning towards Kneelzebub. He staggered when the bolt made contact, but seemingly shrugged it off. Kneelzebub hurled himself in the air and on his way down made a motion to strike. Sh0ckMasteR flipped backwards to avoid connection with the blade. Kneelzebub threw his maul at him. Sh0ckMasteR knew that the power of that maul would stun long enough for Kneelzebub to go for the killing blow. Sh0ckMasteR could grab the maul in time for a counter attack, and he decided it would be the best strategy. He grabbed it and charged up his swing in one flawless motion. Finally he threw it and after a few seconds knocked Kneelzebub down the street. However, he got up in a manner of seconds and started to taunt.
“Your attacks are insignificant, and your magic worthless. True power lies in the flames of chaos.” Kneelzebub ignited his blade and hammer with this chaos flame, a flame that has killed gods. “You will never win, as long as my fire burns dark.”
Sh0ckMasteR had heard what he needed to hear. Kneelzebub’s forte came from a flame, and should this flame be extinguished…
Sh0ckMasteR glanced at the gate his enemy had ascended from, and peered back at Kneelzebub. Although he knew Kneelzebub couldn’t see it, Sh0ckMasteR grinned and ran towards the gate. Kneelzebub shouted in protest and summoned minions out of the gate. There were seven of them, armed and thirsty for blood, they started to attack. He swung his scythe at two of them running to him. They were banished quickly and without a thought. He performed a jumping slash maneuver and simultaneously banished three of them. The last two were guarding the gate, so he tackled them both into the gate.
He was now freefalling into the abyss and it was horrid. The dead and hollow were coming out of the walls, lusting to be set free. Harpies were flying all around this spiral of insanity. He could see down below the flame, though faint it was. He landed on the floor riddled with decayed corpses, and made his way to the light. There he found a small, red fire protected by an eroded cage. He simply squeezed the cage to destroy it, and as he was about to give light to the dark red flame, he was punched on the left side of his face.
Sh0ckMasteR returned to his feet, only to see Kneelzebub standing there. How he got back down here so fast and without a sound, he didn’t know, nor did it matter to him. He got up slowly, anticipating an attack or a taunt, but Kneelzebub just stood there for what seemed like hours. Finally, Kneelzebub pressed an attack, chain strikes and heavy thrusts, and the only thing he ever said was…
Sh0ckMasteR lay on the floor, exhausted and out of breath. That flame of chaos was too powerful. If only he could…
He then had a thought. Why not fight fire with fire? He jumped up towards the flame and instead of destroying the dark flame, he immersed it within him. Kneelzebub would once again scream in protest, but it would not matter once again. Sh0ckMasteR would become the Chaos Sun.
He slowly walked his way to Kneelzebub, who was throwing everything he had at him. His maul had negligible effect, and his flame only made Sh0ckMasteR stronger. Kneelzebub swung his blade. Only it connected with the Lightning Destroyer, and the demonic blade disintegrated. Sh0ckMasteR grabbed Kneelzebub by the neck and said:
“To the light you shall be banished.” And with that Kneelzebub was absolved into the light, and he would never be seen again.
The people of New York took swarm around the gate when their savior arose from it. He then proceeded to close the gate behind him with his mind. He mounted a motorbike that looked monstrous and drove off at inhuman speeds. After all, he had homework to do; this story wasn’t going to write itself.

The author's comments:

I mainly wrote this work for fun. It portrays a different kind of hero facing a very deadly foe. It has a serious tone and mood, but it is a little ironic considering the name of the hero and the villain. Not my best work, for I wanted to probably write a story on the fantasy universe I created, but i shyed away from that and went with this instead. Also there are little references to an amazing video game I played called Dark Souls. I want to thank From Software and Bandai Namco Games. They worked on the game that inspired me to create this work and others I intend to create. They are a great team who deserve renown and this story is for them. Enjoy the story and Praise the Sun!

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