The Void Jumper | Teen Ink

The Void Jumper

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

The Void Jumper

Solomon was walking in his backyard.
“Sometimes I wish I could just leave this dump.” he said to himself.
Just 5 minutes earlier he had received a lecture from his mother about arguing with his brother about what to eat. “He’s younger than you.” she had said. On other days when his brother wanted to eat something normal, like pizza or spaghetti, he would have agreed, but today was outrageous.
“Olive and onion salad? Seriously? What kind of disgusting food is that?” he said to himself.
“Whatever, my argument didn’t matter anyways,” Solomon muttered, “It never does.”   
Suddenly, a beam of light flashed before him. He peered at the general area where the light had flashed and saw an orange and purple crystal the size of a golf ball. It gave him a weird attractive feeling, like a metal is to a magnet. As he drew close to the crystal it began to glow. The moment Solomon touched the crystal, a weird feeling swept over him and the world went black.
* * *
When Solomon, opened his eyes again, he was greeted by people unfamiliar to him.
“He’s awakening.” the middle person said.
“Where am I?” Solomon asked cautiously.
“Why, you’re in Seneratia.” the person on the right replied, “I’m Winster.”
“I’m Ferro.” said the middle.
“And I’m Terric.” said the right. “We would all like to know your name.”
“Oh, my name is Solomon.” Solomon answered politely.
“You must have void jumped here.” Winster hypothesized.
“Quick question, what’s void jumping?” Solomon asked. He thought himself to be a little idiotic asking the question among men who seemed to grasp the situation at hand quite well. His embarrassment must have shone through because Winster seemed to notice.
“You mustn't be embarrassed, this has always been, at one time or another, confusing to all Voidern in the beginning. To answer your question, well, void jumping is where you travel from your world, or time, to Seneratia. As you can possibly see by now we are a world of the future.”
Solomon immediately noticed that everywhere he looked he could see at least one piece of technology he hadn’t seen before in his world.
Terric continued on the topic of void jumping, trying his best to explain the complicated process to the new and naive Voidern.
“In Seneratia, there is an entire society of Voiderns. However not many people have even heard the word. We try to keep our congregation on a low profile.” Terric explained.
Ten minutes later, Terric ended his explanation.
“I know that this has probably been the most overwhelming experience you’ve ever had so I won’t keep you any longer. Now I will tell you how to get back home. All you have to do is touch your voislern, in your case the crystal you have, and think of your home world.”
After they had said their goodbyes, the decided on a meeting place for the visit and Terric, Winster, and Ferro left Solomon to his void jumping.
* * *
The next day was a blur for Solomon. All he could think about was the futuristic world of Seneratia. When night approached, Solomon, prepared for the void jump.
“Void jumping to Seneratia in your world at night would be the safest, it would be daytime here.” Terric said, the previous day. Both Winster and Ferro had approved.    
Solomon had learned, in their short time together, all three were technicians in the great world of Seneratia.
That night, Solomon held his voislern and thought of Seneratia. In moments he had successfully void jumped to the main plaza in the city where the Voiderns had agreed to meet. The city of Seneratia still greatly bewildered Solomon. So far he had seen some fascinating sights of the city. At that thought, Solomon saw the three fellow Voiderns of in the distance. When he met them their mood was surprisingly somber.
“Quick we must find a private place to talk,” Terric said, “I’m afraid I have some bad news.”
As they left, Solomon could see in the far corner of the plaza, was a dark figure watching their every move.
* * *
“Hurry, hurry,” Terric urged, “there is much to discuss.”
Once they sat down at one of the coffee shop’s tables, Terric blurted out the news.
“Our society of Voiderns has been discovered.” Terric said.
Although Solomon couldn’t see why, all three of them, Terric, Winster, and Ferro, seemed disturbingly worried.
“Is that a bad thing? Because from the looks on your faces, you seem to be very worried.” Solomon commented.
“Yes, it is quite a bad thing. You see, we have gone back to having a King and a Queen. Now the King and Queen are quite against time traveling. This is because they do not want to see diseases, that are now gone, come back again. An example would be cancer or even the common flu. You may have noticed that everyone in Seneratia is quite healthy and fit. That is because illness does not live in this time. The Seneratians, a few years back, found a way to eradicate all diseases from the world, and that is what they did. The King and Queen had known about void jumping from the beginning. They have been trying to rid the world of Voiderns but they could not pinpoint the people who were void jumpers. Now, someone, a spy probably, has our info and it will not be long before there is a law against void jumping.” Ferro explained.
Solomon could see all of their somber faces. Then suddenly he realized something.
“Wait, when we walked away from the plaza, I saw a shady figure watching us intently,” Solomon started, “ now realize he could have been a spy.”
Terric jumped at the information.
“ What was he wearing?” he asked suddenly.
“ A dark red coat I believe, and I remember that when he turned to leave, there was a white dragon imprinted on the back.” Solomon said, trying to remember.
“The Dragonians!” Winster exclaimed.
“Indeed, they are the King and Queen’s elite squad of spies. We did not expect the King and Queen to do this. We now have very little time. We must confront the King and Queen. But first, Solomon you must return to your home world. Void jump back to the plaza tomorrow. We will meet you there. Now you must go.” Terric said.
After Solomon had gone, Terric said, “So here’s the plan …”
* * *
When Solomon awoke, he found himself quite tired.
“How weird, I’ve gone to sleep and still I feel tired.” Solomon remarked.
He got up and started getting ready for the day. As he brushed his teeth, Solomon thought about what would possibly happen when the Voiderns tried to confront the King and Queen of Seneratia.
After he had finished putting on his clothes, he went down for his breakfast.
“I still can’t believe they went back to the old monarchy.” Solomon muttered as he ate his breakfast.
“What was that?” his mom said.
“Nothing.” Solomon replied neutrally.
“He’s probably still muttering about how I got to pick what we ate the day before.” Solomon’s little brother, Daniel, said.
“That was two days ago, stupid, why would I still care?” Solomon replied icily.
“MOM!! Solomon called me stupid!” Daniel said.
“Solomon! That kind of language will not be allowed in this house.” his mom said.
“Sorry.” Solomon replied.
“You’ve been quite moody these few days. What’s going on?” his mom asked gently.
“Nothing.” Solomon lied. I just have to go meet a King and a Queen who possibly wants to kill me,  Solomon thought.
“Ok, but if you need me, know that I’m always here for you.” his mom said.
Solomon grunted in reply.
* * *
“Do you know how glad I am to be back here in Seneratia?” Solomon said when he met the Voiderns.
“No, but we are glad that you are back. Now let’s get focused on the task. We go in as supposed, spies pretending we have a message. Then once we are in their presence, we reveal ourselves as the Voiderns we are and try to reason with the King and Queen.” Winster explained.
“Wouldn’t that be like suicide?” Solomon asked.
“No, because the court has made a rule that says the King and Queen cannot punish someone without hearing their reason and claim first.” Ferro explained.
“Ok, let’s get to it then.” Terric said.
First the four Voiderns had to find Dragonian spy costumes to pass of as the King and Queen’s spy. That was easy. Ferro had obtained the clothing the day before. When Terric asked how, Ferro said it was a secret.
Next they had to get in the palace of the King and Queen. Once they were in, the real hardships began.
As they were walking to the throne room, Solomon noticed that all the guards were armed quite heavily.
Ferro sensed his fear and explained that there had been an uprising in the palace just two weeks before.
“I’m sure it’s just for security.” Ferro reassured him.
“We’re here,” Terric said.
Terric, Ferro, Winster, and Solomon prepared themselves for what was to come.
They entered the throne room and heard,
“Welcome, Dragonians, to the palace.”
They looked up and saw the King and Queen sitting on their thrones.
* * *
“Now, my spies, what information do you have to present?” the King asked.
That was their cue and they all knew it. At the same time, they all removed their disguises.
“We are not spies, in fact, we are Voiderns. We have come to, I hope, peacefully resolve your problem against Voiderns.” Terric introduced calmly even though all the guards had drawn their swords.
The King and Queens’ faces  were suddenly frowning.
“There is nothing to resolve. Void jumping is a dangerous practice to the country. You Voiderns do not understand the danger you bring every time you void jump. You potentially could bring back the diseases we have tried so hard to eradicate.” the Queen said.
Surprisingly, Solomon answered her.
“I myself am new to all this void jumping, and I tell you that I am of the past where the diseases still live. However our doctors have provided us with many vaccines and such to prevent any breakout of disease it is not possible, on such a short visit that Voiderns could contract any diseases. This, I swear my life on.”
The Queen pondered the thought as the King chimed in.
“You say you are of another time? What is your full name young man?” the King asked.
Solomon looked at Terric, he nodded.
“My name is Solomon Holtians.” Solomon answered.
There was a moment of silence between the two sides. Then, suddenly, the Queen’s eyes flared with anger.
“I see logic and reason in your claim, but I have one last question for you,” the Queen said as calmly as she could, “Did you really just say your name was Solomon Holtians?”
“Yes, your Majesty, why?” Solomon asked, confused.
“Your ancestor Alexander Holtians, killed my father by void jumping his pathetic self to Seneratia!” the Queen screamed in fury.
Solomon looked confused, in fact all of the Voiderns look confused.
Seeing their confusion, the Queen calmed down as much as she could and explained herself.
“You see, when I was just a child, a mysterious person one day just appeared in Seneratia. My father, the King at that time, went to see him. When he went to see him, the man was riddled with disease. The moment my father met the man, he asked for his name. The man answered with Alexander Holtians. When my father came out of the hut he met Alexander in, he suddenly began to cough severely. In the end, my father coughed so much that he started to cough up blood. Before we knew why, he was dead. When we went to look for the man, he had disappeared.”
Everyone in the room was silenced.
“That is why I must execute you, Solomon Holtians. I will not kill your fellow Voiderns but, you, you will pay for what your ancestor did to my father, and you will pay by death.” the Queen said.
Solomon stood there shocked, thinking, Oh dear.
* * *
The King and Queen did not let Solomon void jump back to his own world. They kept him chained up in their dungeons most terrible cell. Before he had been arrested, Terric and the others had said, “ We will find a way to get you out. This I promise you.”
Now he sat in his terrible cold dungeon feeling alone and dreary. He feared the next day. The Queen had ordered his hanging the day after he was arrested.
Solomon sat thinking negative thoughts like; I might be dead by tomorrow and My body will be a motionless dummy tomorrow.
“Tomorrow just can’t come soon enough.” Solomon said sarcastically as he fell asleep.
* * *
Solomon was rudely shook awake by a guard.
“GET UP, you piece of poop!” the guard yelled.
“Piece of poop? What the…” Solomon questioned sleepily.
“Swearing has been outlawed in Seneratia, so we make our own.” the guard replied, “now get up before I kick you.”
This threat got Solomon up and moving.
“Now since today is your execution or hanging, I’m not sure which one, you’re going to receive a really nice breakfast.” the guard said.
“Okay…” Solomon said having some hope.
They soon reached a room. The guard open the doors. When Solomon looked in, he expected extravagant foods, but what he saw was basically food made for pigs.
“Just kidding!” the guard said laughing on the ground.
Solomon looked at the food in disgust. All he could hope for now was for Terric, Winster, and Ferro to get him out of this mess.
* * *
Terric had already formulated his plan on freeing the new Voidern. They would dress up in the executioner clothing Ferro once again had found. This time none of the Voidern questioned his resources.
Then the trio would go in as Solomon’s executioners, by doing so, the would be armed to protect themselves.
After freeing Solomon, all the Voidern had to quickly void jump to Solomon’s house. After explaining his plan to the others, Terric said, “It’s time, let’s go.”
* * *
As he walked out onto the the execution stage, Solomon looked around, searching for Terric, Ferro, and Winsters’ faces. To his dismay, he did not see them.
Just then the Queen began the execution ceremony.
“This boy, Solomon Holtians, Voidern from the past, is the descendant of Alexander Holtians, the man who brought disease upon my father, the late King. He is here to take upon the punishment that was due for his ancestor. Executioners! Blades Up!”
Solomon shut his eyes as he prepared for the sudden pain, but the pain never came. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that the rope binding his hands and feet had been cut. Terric, Ferro, and Winster were standing in front of him. Terric saw Solomon and said, “Hurry, take out your crystal, we’re void jumping to your world.”
Solomon did as he said and in moments, they were all in the safety of his bedroom.
* * *
“Let me go check if my family is home.” Solomon said.
He went out of his bedroom and peered around. He then went downstairs and did a quick survey of the house. Good, no one’s home.
He went back up to his bedroom and sat with his fellow Voiderns.
For moments no one spoke, then Terric spoke.
“You may never come back to Seneratia again.” he said gravely.
Solomon did not want to believe it even if he knew it was true. Tears began streaming down his face.
“I will miss you all.” Solomon said with a broken voice.
“We will miss you also.” Winster said.
The four Voiderns embraced.
“We will meet again.” Terric said.
“I hope so.” Solomon said, crying.
“Terric, we must leave.” Ferro said.
“Goodbye, Solomon.” Terric said.
“Goodbye, Terric.” Solomon said as the Voider disappeared.
When they were all gone, Solomon broke down on the floor and sobbed.
* * * 
Solomon slowly regained his composure and went down to get a snack. He liked to eat when he was upset.
He opened the cupboard which contained his favorite snack. Instead of finding the reassuring bag of Cheeze Bitz, he found a note.
Solomon picked up the note and unfolded it. Inside it said;

I have your brother and mother. If you ever want to see their faces again, you must void jump back to Seneratia and come to the palace. If you fail to do this, your family will not see the rays of the sun ever again. You have 24 hours until the deal is off.
The Queen

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