In 2050 | Teen Ink

In 2050

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

"Good morning, Johnny." The humanoid voice said. As he opened his eyes, Johnny took in the beautiful skyline of San Francisco. From his 35th story apartment, Johnny could see the entire bay area. "Should I prepare breakfast?" The voice asked. "Sure," Johnny replied. As the news displayed on the table, the headlines read "ROBOT ATTACKS CREATOR: computers taking over?" The world knew this day was coming. But they weren't ready.
5 Years Later
"Get down!" Sam, his commander, yelled. As the shiny, metallic robots marched towards him, he knew there was no way out of this one. It was crucial to the humans that they make it to The Nest to have any chance at taking down the robots. As he hid behind a smashed car, suddenly gunfire pelted the opposite side of the car. He pulled out his EMP rifle, and jumped onto the car to take down the enemies. Blue orbs shot out of his gun knocking the robots down one by one. "Nice shot!" Sam yelled. As they advanced down the street, they could see The Nest in the distance.  Johnny and his unit’s mission was to take down The Supercomputer, the leader of all the robots.
Ever since the first robot attacked his creator in 2100, all the other robots started fighting back and trying to overthrow their owners. Soon after the government shut down and the military collapsed. As they approached the base of the tower, loud sirens blared and enemies approached them. Ducking behind the support pillar, laser bullets whizzed by their heads. In one swift move, he darted out of the pillar shot down 3 robots, and stabbed the commander. Charging toward the building machine guns fired at them, hitting Johnny in the shoulder. 
There it was. Looking up the hollow center of the nest, the shiny, spherical orb that commanded them all: The Supercomputer. As he pulled out his teleportation disc, a bullet grazed his head. The whole robot army was there to get him. He and his team needed to get to the top of the tower with their teleportation discs. All at once, all of the team members threw their discs, attaching to the metallic ball floating at the top of the tower. Now thousands of robots were climbing towards them, stopping them and the rest of the human race. Pulling out his EMP knife, the robots leaped towards him. Just as the metallic hands grabbed onto him, his knife punctured the surface of The Supercomputer.
A brilliant flash of blue light filled the building, as the army collapsed to the ground. "We did it!" they cried. By killing the supercomputer, the humans had saved themselves and won the war.

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