.Dust | Teen Ink


December 11, 2014
By TheDust BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
TheDust BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dust whipped at his face digging deeper and deeper. His skin was already raw, and covered with blood.
He crawled blindly against the ferocious storm, desperately trying to escape. Clinging to his last thread of hope he darted forward, but to no avail he stopped and rested on the hard earth unmoving.

The beat up truck hobbled forward yielding to every bump and ditch in the cracked earth. The truck wandered in some seemingly random direction in the barren expanse.

“Hey Dad! Over there! That looks like a good spot!” Kenny shouted.

“I guess that would work” he replied.

The truck lumbered to a stop and Kenny carefully unloaded his dad's archeology equipment on the hard ground. Kenny and his dad shuffled slowly through the dusty land, strained by the massive bag of equipment on their backs.

Kenny plopped the bags on the ground and heaved a sigh of release as they finally reached the spot. His dad went to go prepare the excavation site. Kenny sat and relaxed, his dad probably wouldn't need him for hours he thought.

“Kenny get me the medical kit. Hurry!”his dad said frantically.

“What did you cut your finger or something” Kenny said mockingly.

“Just get the kit!”


Kenny returned with the kit and saw his dad crouched over what looked a pile torn up rags. Kenny gasped with shock and horror when he realized that this “pile of rags” was actually a person. The person was a boy a little older than Kenny and  his clothes were matted with dirt, blood and filled holes. His face had large gashes and dozens more scratches and his hair was caked with dirt. All in all this boy looked like he just come from a war zone.

“There looks to be no serious injuries, but he must be dehydrated.” said Kenny's dad.

“Bring him some water and then set up camp we might be here for awhile!” shouted Kenny’s dad.

After Kenny set up the camp his dad laid the boy on a cot. His dad waited patiently for the boy to wake up. Finally the boy stirred and slowly awakened.

“Hey where am I?.... Who are you?” the boy asked groggily.

“My name is Professor Stephens, I am the Professor of archeology at the near by college and this is my son Kenny” explained the Professor.

“Now who are you? And what on earth are you doing out here?” asked the Professor.

“My name is Henry, and I looking for the treasure” said Henry.

“the heat probably got to your head because you're talking crazy” exclaimed the Professor.

“I was going to find the treasure until I got caught in that dreadful sandstorm, I even have a map” said Henry as he produced a torn, shabby piece of paper from his pocket.

“See” exclaimed Henry.

Henry spread the paper out and Kenny and the Professor peered at it. The paper did in fact resemble a map with a legend resembling the surrounding area and even a little “x”. Kenny gasped in awe.

“What should we do? asked Kenny.

Kenny already regretted his question because he saw the fire in his dad eyes and already knew what his  response was.

“Kenny my boy we got ourselves an adventure!”

Kenny was nervous but little did he or the Professor or even Henry know about the shadow that lurked beyond watching.

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