The Infection | Teen Ink

The Infection

October 16, 2014
By chanceswinburne BRONZE, Elkins, Arkansas
chanceswinburne BRONZE, Elkins, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day it all happened people were so afraid of those things. Nobody knew what they were. The news broadcasted an emergency report that a disease was spreading worldwide and it turned people into these things, husks of their old selves. Whatever they were, it was not human; it was something bad something that caused them to want to eat people and just go plain insane. I guess you could call them “zombies,” but they were worse than that. They didn’t walk slowly or say “Braaaiinnsss” like in the movies. No, it was different. They were faster and stronger, like a hunger had taken them over.


If you were bitten, you only had a max of two days before you were one of those things. Sooner or later people started to call them infected. People sent out convoys to try to take out the infected. That didn’t work because only a handful of guys returned. They saw horrible thing and talked about these things called spores that seeped out an airborne version of the disease. It wasn’t long before the men who had returned started turning.

The camp that probably had about 230 people in it was destroyed. The infected killed a lot of innocent people that day. That was 15 years ago when it all started. Now people know the threat that’s out there. Some people went crazy without the infection in them. We call them hunters. They were cannibals.

The infection was a fungus that took over the body. It turned people into monsters. My family got infected pretty early. I lost everything. So now I’m trying to make the world right. I’m going to end the infection once and for all.

It’s time for a change.

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