The Biggest Bank Robbery in History | Teen Ink

The Biggest Bank Robbery in History

October 2, 2014
By Rushi Patel BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Rushi Patel BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
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Michael, Trevor, Cam, Chase, and Landon were helping the World’s Best Hacker out of jail, his name was Seth .The team helped him out of jail because they needed a hacker to to disable the cameras and jam police signal, so they have an extra few minutes for the job. Seth was moving to the state penitentiary,so the team purposely places tire spikes at the last seconds on the road.BAM!!!! The police van flipped over, and they went into pursuit.Trevor took out the guards and Michael put small explosives on the back of the van doors.BAM!!!!The doors busted open and so the guard came out and held a gun to seth’s head, and walked at slowly.Michael was right outside the door and BANG!!! ”You can thank me later,” Landon said. 
Then,they took seth to the secret lair and he agreed with the plan to do the world’s largest robbery. The group was describing what they jobs were like. Michael is the leader,Chase is the explosive specialist,Landon is the guns specialist,Cam was the gas specialist,and Trevor was the cars specialist for getting away.It was two weeks till the robbery,they started to gather supplies, and landon was collecting guns,chase was gathering explosive for the metal-titanium vault doors that way up to one ton.Trevor was gathering dirtbikes and started placing them in the sewer right next to the bank.Seth was checking the security detail and already started to hacked the police servers.Cam was getting the hydochlorophly for which he had stole from a company.Michael was gathering his life saving and buying a transit van.
The last day till robbery and they discussed their plans and how should things should go.First,seth will jam the alarms and disable the cameras from 10 blocks around to give the team enough time to get in and out, and cam will go to the top of the building with fake id and place the gas through the ventilation system to knockout anyone inside the bank.Second,seth is watching and leading the group.Third,the gang charges the bank in clown mask,gas mask, and they block off all exits and Chase pursuits toward the manger who is knockout from the gas and chase will head to the vault and plant the explosives. “It’s getting lets gets some sleep in and lets show what were made out of, said Micheal.
The next day the gang was getting ready,chase was packing explosives,landon was packing the guns and giving everyone ak-47,p-90.dessert 7,and lots of ammo,trevor already placed the bikes,seth was now was able to hack so much of the police data now he was kind able to control the network servers.Cam had put in the smoke in about 4 minutes ago.A van pulled up and the gang charged the store and soon as they walked in everyone blocked and covered the ran to the manger and took the keys and chase and michael and cam headed toward the vault while everyone was upstairs controlling the headquarters till the cops show up.BOOM!!! The vault doors went flying open and the alarms go off.All three robbers charged in and started to pack the money into bags.Seth said, “you guys need to hurry the heck up the police have been alerted i scrambled their signal but they be arriving at the bank in 5 flat.In a minute they packed $500 million and started to head up then saw trevor dead on the ground.They looked up and landon said, “a person wasn’t knockout and got up when he wasn’t looking and took his and shot hime in the head and drilled him with 15 bullets to the chest.So they went down to the vault and put explosives in the vault because the underneath the vault was the sewer.They heard police coming and they were ready to shoot them.BANG!!! Landon started to firing at the cops and then the explosives went off and they jumped down and got to the three dirtbikes.Seth said, “i scrambled their signal and you guys only have 15 minutes to get to the layer safety the rest is up to you.  
They finally reached the layer and seth was wondering why trevor  wasn’t their all of the sudden michael said, “he got shot by a hostage”.seth was like the gas should have knocked everyone out,That is what i was thinking ,said michael.
Then all of the sudden landon said, “BYE”,He took the assault rifle shot everyone died,even when blood was vicious  oozing out.Landon was just  laughing.                    
                                                        The End.

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