The Treacherous Adventure to Sunrise | Teen Ink

The Treacherous Adventure to Sunrise

June 16, 2014
By ggkruck BRONZE, Canada, District Of Columbia
ggkruck BRONZE, Canada, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no "U" in awesome but there is a "ME".

My muscles screamed with every step my comatose feet took. With every ounce of strength left my body, I desperately wished to stop, turn back, and leave this torturing journey that seemed to never end. But something excruciatingly obvious was pushing me forward. My heart was a drum, a momentum that carried my aching body as if ensuring that even after this battle, for what I didn’t seem to comprehend, I would find hope.
After what seemed like years, my achingly painful legs gave out and I fell to the cold, uncomforting ground. In a way, I welcomed the pain because it made me aware that I was still breathing, living, enduring, surviving. I could feel in the depths of my soul that this journey, this battle, would be over soon. I crawled, desperately grasping for earth to pull me up. I could feel the cold sweat gently dripping down my face burning my eyes and ensuring that all I tasted was salt.
There I was, hysterically grasping for something to hold onto, something that would stabilize my shaking body. My nails, heavily caked in a mix of dried blood and mud, finally grabbed a hold of something. I shakily hoisted myself up and even though I could’ve and maybe should’ve just stayed there on the ground, waiting, giving up, I got up and somehow found the strength to take one more hesitant step.
As soon as I stepped, I found myself on a precarious ledge. I looked down and all I could see was utter darkness. I strained my ears for sound, but nothing came. I looked over my shoulder to see what was behind. The same path upon which I travelled here appeared, except it seemed somewhat welcoming. For the first time I allowed myself to look forward and it was completely unimaginable.
There was multicolored mist floating in the close distance slowly circling what looked like a ball of bewildering black flames. Suddenly the ledge on which I was barely standing began to dissolve right under my feet!
In mere seconds I had to decide whether to jump back and travel through what I knew and had already battled or jump. I could jump into the unknown and take a leap of faith. The ledge had reduced to only one square foot and I had to make my decision. I leapt from my tiny ledge, leapt into the unknown now soaring through the air towards the rainbow mist.
As soon as I made contact I was embraced with warmth and happiness.I could feel my wounds healing and they tingled with delight. After I was just about bursting with curiosity I reached out and touched the ball of mystifying black flames.
The second my skin touched the ball it felt like I was being thrown every which way, lurching in each direction. Every sound imaginable filled my ears, tempting my ear drums to explode! All of my senses were going wild. Until it stopped.
Everything was still.
The mist was gone, The black flames were lost but it felt like somehow I was found.
I looked around and saw a magnificent view of evergreen trees, which grew for miles, and crystal lakes sparkling when covered in sunlight. Birds flew and sang their songs without a care in the world. Little animals scurried past me and under trees gathering food like there was no tomorrow.
I stepped out into the sunlight and saw figures stepping out from beneath the towering trees. First, I saw my friends.Then, my family. Last, I saw everyone who had been a part of my journey, whether they had made it easier or more challenging.
They all stayed underneath their trees but I was comforted by them being there. I was overwhelmed with love and support. I sat down on a rock just above a stream that was gently trickling down its path. I thought about my long hard adventure. The pain of almost giving up. The adrenaline that pushed me forward. I didn’t know how my journey started neither did I know when it would end. But one thing was for sure, I was not alone and this treacherously beautiful battle that ended in exquisite and worthwhile beauty was...LIFE.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my English teacher

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