Abominable Snowman | Teen Ink

Abominable Snowman

May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

It was an ordinary Tuesday for the two friends, James Read and Elizabeth Trust. They lived together as friends on River Way in Charlestown, Virginia. They have done research for years on the Abominable Snowman for quite a while now. They always do their research in the basement where they have more room to do paper work. They have finally come to a point where they have done enough research on the Abominable Snowman, they know where it is, what it does and how it survives in the snowstorms in the Himalayas.

As the day goes on the two friends try to figure out how they are going to get to the Himalayas, what they are going to take, and what clothes to take.

“How are were going to get to the Himalayas, James?” Elizabeth asks. “I think I know a guy, his name is Patrick Wood,” as James replies to the question.

“I will be right back, I am going to go make a phone call to Mr. Wood,” James says to Elizabeth. James was asking Patrick if he could take Elizabeth and him to the Himalayas for a couple hundred dollars, and if he could take them in a week. “I will see what I can do,” Patrick says regarding the request.

James and Elizabeth start looking for the clothes to wear and pack them in suitcases. James packs the camera in a special case and Elizabeth put the extra things they wanted to bring in suitcases like a water bottle, gum, etc.

Days pass by and it is a Tuesday of another week and James friend that is a pilot, Patrick Wood arrives and rings their doorbell. James walks over to the door to let Patrick in the house and politely welcomes him.

“Hey Patrick thanks for coming and doing this big favor for us, would you like a cup of coffee?” Elizabeth asks as Patrick enters the Living room.

“My pleasure it doesn’t hurt to help a couple friends. To answer your question I would love a cup of coffee, with cream and sugar please,” Patrick replies back. James and Patrick sit on the couch to go over the basis of the trip. “The time length of the plane ride will be based on weather and depending on my calculations, if we leave in a hour we will get the center of the Himalayas early in the morning,” Patrick says while they sit down and drink there coffee.

“Should I call a cab or rent a car when we get to the airport,” James asks Elizabeth about to take a sip of his coffee.

“I suggest that you should rent a car and I will drive us to the hotel and I will find a parking space while you guys make a reservation,” Patrick saying to Elizabeth and James.

“Should we start packing the car,” asks Elizabeth.

“Yes, the sooner we get in the plane and leaving the better,” suggests Patrick.

The two friends and Patrick start to pack the car making sure they have everything for the trip. Elizabeth goes and puts her luggage that she is bringing with her on the plane in the front seat and James hands the couple hundred dollars he promised to Patrick for flying them.

“Be careful with that James,” says screaming to James.

Patrick goes and starts the car and warms it up. He noticed that it was snowing outside. He found out on his phone that it was going to snow 6-8 inches. Patrick goes and tells the bad news to James and Elizabeth. Once he told them they went to the car and unloaded the car and put in back near the door.

The three of them take off their coats and take a seat on the couch. James turns on the news and the 5 o’clock news was on. They waited about five minutes until the weather was on. The weather girl said it was going to snow six to eight inches into tomorrow and going to be chilly tonight.

“I think we should watch movies and drink hot cocoa tonight,” suggests Elizabeth.

“Ok, could you make our cocoa extra hot and with a lot of marshmallows, please,” asks James.

“I can do that for you guys, it will just take a couple of minutes. Do you guys want marshmallows and whip cream on top?”

“Yes please. What movie should we watch, Home Alone or Home Alone 2?”

“Lets watch both,” Elizabeth said in an exciting voice.

Elizabeth starts the microwaving of the hot chocolates and James and Patrick are searching through the channels to find Home Alone movies. James notices when he turns his back to the television it is snowing heavy outside. James and turns off the lights for a second and looks out the window to watch the snow hit the ground forming into lumps of snow.

“Look how beautiful it is outside,” says James in a relaxed voice. “Look at the beautiful snowflakes hitting the ground. How much longer till the cocoa is ready?”

“About two to three minutes. Sounds about right.”

“Ok just let us know”

James and Patrick turn all of the lights back on and keep scrolling through the guide trying to find the movies they were planning on watching. James finally finds both of the movies they want to watch and Elizabeth brings a tray of hot cocoa over from the kitchen. Once Elizabeth sets the tray down she finds a seat and a blanket and waits for James to turn the movie on.

“Are you guys ready and situated,” James asks Patrick and Elizabeth.

“Yup,” they both say at the same time.

They watch Home Alone and Home Alone 2 for the next couple hours. When both of the movies were almost over Elizabeth looks in the kitchen looks at the time and it she sees it is around ten thirty.

“I am going to bed and I will see you guys in the morning. I will be right back with a pillow and a blanket for you Patrick. “

“Thanks for the wonderful hospitality you two. I will see you guys in the morning also” Patrick saying to James and Elizabeth.

“Good night Patrick and Elizabeth, we have a big day ahead of us.”

The next morning the three of them start putting the luggage in the car and James is shoveling out the driveway and brushing off the car. Once James comes back in the house he goes through his drawers and cabinets, making sure he has everything. He told Elizabeth the same thing.

“Are we all ready to go because we need to get on the road,” Patrick says in a hurried voice.

“We are both ready to go,” James replies. “Can we stop for a Starbucks on the way?”

“Yeah no problem.”

Patrick starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. He turns out of their neighborhood and turns on to North road. He makes on slight right on the interstate heading towards the area where his plane is parked. Patrick remembered he was asked to go and order a Starbucks. He makes a turn onto Lancaster Street and heads towards the Starbucks.

“Do you guys know what you want?”
“She will have a tall coffee and I will have a Vanilla Chai Tea no water please. Here is twenty buck.”

Once they order their drinks and pick it up from the window they go back on the interstate and keep driving until they exit on Route 8. Patrick makes a right off the highway and heads south for a couple of minutes and makes a left onto a very quite road.

“Is this the way towards your plane,” asks James curiously.

“Yes it is it’s about a couple yards ahead.”

Patrick drives on a flat, smooth pavement. James doesn’t know this part of the city but he does now.

“Where are we?” Asks Elizabeth

“We are in a little area in Charlestown,” replies Patrick. When we get there we should put the things you guys want in the plane and the other luggage can go under the plane over in the compartments, its up to you.”

When they arrive at the plane and take about three trips to put the luggage in the compartments. They gently place the things they want to use on the plane on seats for the plane ride.

“Take your seats we are going to take off now,” asks Patrick nicely to the others.

“Were are ready when you are,” replies James

“Well, lets go!”

Patrick starts up the plane and lets it warm up. He made sure the switches were flipped and all the buttons were pushed. Once all that was done he spoke on the microphone saying, “this is your captain speaking, make sure all passengers are seated and buckled and lets take off.”
Patrick takes off and it took them about twelve hours to get to their destination. Once they arrive Patrick and James empty the plane and made sure everything was with them. James went inside to pick up the keys to the car they were driving and stuffed the car with their belongings.

“What kind of car is that?” Asks Elizabeth

“That car is a 2014 GMC Suburban,” replies James to her question.

When the entire luggage was in the car, James hopped in the driver seat and drove to their hotel. It took a while to get to the hotel because of the snowstorm that was occurring. The three arrived to the hotel and James saw an underground parking lot that was connected to the hotel. Elizabeth leaped out of the car and grabbed what was hers because all of her belongings were very delicate.

“You got out of the car quick,” implied James.

“I know, it was just my stuff was right there and I didn’t want dirty hands touching my things,” replied Elizabeth. I will go get our keys for our rooms. James and Patrick grabbed the rest of the luggage and hulled it up in the elevator. Luckily, they didn’t have to take the stairs.

James and Patrick eventually arrive in the lobby and they meet up with Elizabeth and go to their rooms.

“How about we meet for dinner in the lobby around seven thirty, is that ok,” suggested Elizabeth.

“Yes that is fine with me Elizabeth,” Patrick replied.

“Then we will see you at seven.”

James and Elizabeth enter a room and place their luggage in the corner of the room.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Ok,” he replied.

Once Elizabeth and James were on the bed watching the news, she turned her head and told James that it was time to empty the suitcases because she wanted them to look nice at dinner since it was a five star hotel. Elizabeth started opening a suitcase and placed her belongings in a dresser and a nightstand. While she was doing that, she saw that he was still watching the TV.

“Stop watching sports for gosh sake!” screams Elizabeth.

“Ok I will. Could you hand me a suitcase that is mine please if you don’t mind.”

“Here. Now don’t go dillydallying because I want you to empty your suitcase now so you don’t have to do it in the morning since we have to pack for our trip up the mountain. You do have to do a lot of things in the morning.”

Elizabeth and James unpacking their clothes and James found the perfect outfit for dinner and so did Elizabeth. It seemed like they wanted to surprise each other for what they were going to wear.

“What are you going to wear for dinner tonight?” asked James.

“It is a surprise. What are you going to be wearing tonight James?” asked Elizabeth.

“Ok then.”

It was around five o’clock and Elizabeth decided to jump in the shower. James decided to go and pack for the trip tomorrow. When he was done packing and Elizabeth was done in the shower he jumped in the shower.

James took a long, hot shower like he always does whatever the temperature is. When he was done he say that there was no comb.

“Elizabeth, can you grab my comb out of my bag please?” asked James

“Here and your welcome.”

James had opened the door and saw the most beautiful person standing in front of him. He was amazed how beautiful she was.

“You look amazing,” said James with his mouth wide open.

“Thank you James, you too look amazing as well.”

“We should go down stairs now,” suggested James.

“Yes, we should.

James and Elizabeth walk down the hall and enter the elevator. Elizabeth pressed the Lobby button and the elevator starts to go down.

“What do you think you will have for dinner?” asked James.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen the menu,“ replied Elizabeth.

They exit the elevator and walk towards the restaurant called Surf and Turf, and saw Patrick all ready seated.

“Hi Patrick, you look good tonight,” Elizabeth politely compliments Patrick.

“Why thank you Elizabeth, you look good yourself.”

Elizabeth and James sit down and join Patrick at the dinner table. They had shared sushi and steak for dinner and they discussed what the game plan was going to be. When they were done, James asked the waitress for the bill and payed it. Patrick and Elizabeth thanked James for dinner and entered the elevator.

“I guess we’ll see you bright and early tomorrow, Patrick,” said Elizabeth in a stuffed stomach voice.

“I will. Goodnight you guys.”

“Goodnight,” James and Elizabeth said at the same time to Patrick.

James and Elizabeth enter their room and go right to bed.

“Goodnight James.”

Goodnight Elizabeth.”

The next morning James had woken up early and brought coffee for Elizabeth and himself. He wakes her up and hands her coffee. Once she took her first sip she sprung out of bed like a kangaroo. They grabbed their equipment and met downstairs and waited for Patrick.

Patrick arrives in the lobby and said good morning to the two friends.

“I will go grab the car and you guys bring the equipment to the front,” asked Patrick.

Patrick drives towards the hotel and parks in front. James opens the trunk and started placing the equipment into the car. James and Elizabeth then jump in the car and Patrick closes the trunk door and hops into the driver seat. Patrick drives to a secret area where it is easy to travel up the mountain. He parks his car and opens the door for Elizabeth. The three of them open grab their equipment and start heading up the mountain.

“I hope we can get a days trip in today,” said James.

“Me too,” replied Patrick.

It was a while since they had taken a break. James checked his calculations and it said the Abominable Snowman lived in a giant cave and you can only find it after a snowstorm.

“I think we go this way,” James said to the others.

“Ok,” replied Patrick.

The three friends travel for about six hours and hungry and need to rest. Then James realized something, that there was something in the mountain.

“Hey guys, there is a place where we can rest for the night,” James told the others in a loud voice.

James and the others travel just a little to enter a little area where they can escape from the wintery storm that was going to occur, rest, and eat.

Elizabeth found a place in the little cave where to sleep for the night. James grabbed some food from his pack and gave it to Patrick and Elizabeth. He had given them some energy bars that were chocolate flavor.

“I don’t think I can move anymore, I am way to weak to move,” said Elizabeth in pain.

“I will be over there in a minute,” replied James.

James walked over to see what was wrong with Elizabeth. He realized that she was really tired and needed sleep. The snowstorm was about to occur and all of the friends were exhausted from all of the travel they have done the past few hours.

“When do you think the storm will kick in?” Asked Patrick.

“I don’t know. I might as well check. From looking at the clouds it will probably pass in a hour,” replied James.

“Ok. Tomorrow we should leave right after we wake up so we can get a head start on our search.”
Patrick and James set up the tent and carried Elizabeth into the tent. The snowstorm was about to occur and James had opened is eyes and heard the whistling of the wind. The three friends sleep in a warm, cozy tent in a little cave in a mountain in snowstorm.

James woke up first before Patrick and Elizabeth did opened the tent and saw it was snowing out but not hard. James woke them up and had some breakfast from their packs. They had gotten dressed and packed the tent and other supplies. James, Patrick, and Elizabeth head on their way to continue their search to find the Abominable Snowman.

“When do you guys think we will find the snowman?” Asked Elizabeth.

“I guess when we find it,” replied James.

The three climb and travel until they heard something strange. They heard something.

“Was that the snowman?” Elizabeth asked

“I think you might be right Elizabeth,” James replied.

“I think we might be close and we won’t have to travel far,” said James.

“I hope so because I want to be the first person in history to record evidence about the Abominable Snowman.

The three friends travel not to far and see something that is very white and large in size.

“Could that be the snowman, James?” Asked Patrick.

“I am pretty sure that is the Abominable Snowman,” said James. Hey Elizabeth, I think you should take out that camera of yours because we need evidence that we were the first ones brave enough to find the snowman.

Elizabeth took out her camera and made sure there was no flash. She aimed the lense at the snowman and made sure it looked real.

Now that they have evidence that they saw the Abominable Snowman, they can now show the world what they did and no one has any evidence of what is really looks like except them. The three friends walk up and down mountains to get back to the hotel and enjoy the scenery.

“That was fun,” said Elizabeth.


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