Struck | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By CatelynC BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
CatelynC BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke on a cold purple floor. It was like there was a purple hue to everything. Everywhere I looked, which wasn’t that far because I couldn’t see past the pair of combat boots and jeans of a person standing in front of me, was a purple color.

“I need help! Get up!” the person shouted down to me.

“What? Where am I?” I asked getting to my feet. I saw purple marble flooring and tall Greek-like columns in a huge throne room.
“I need your help. Follow me.” And with that the young woman, strikingly beautiful might I add, started to run away. She has long curling chestnut colored locks. Her eyes are a startling grey, blue, and her skin is as warm shaded as a cappuccino.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” She led me through the throne room, how did I get here anyway? And down so many halls that I lost track of where we were.
We entered a dank, dark tunnel with a staircase leading down into the gloom. It looks like we’re in a dungeon, I thought to myself. But I followed the strange girl down the everlasting hall and into the despair that was lurking in the air. We stopped at a door on the left.
“I’m in here,” said a voice from the other side of the door.

“Who’s in-“ I started to ask the girl, but when I turned around she was gone.

“I said, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!” The voice demanded, “Just grab the key hanging by the door.” I grabbed the old, rusted key and fit it into the lock. The door slowly creaked open, and there stood the girl I followed down here. How did she end up in there?

“Thank you. Now let’s go stop my dad from destroying the kingdom.” With that, she started to run away from me. As we ran, she told me that her father was the one who imprisoned her, and he was the king. She also told me of her father’s plan to imprison and kill all the people in line for the throne. She claimed that he had found a way to live forever, and that he planned to do so while ruling.

As we entered the throne room a man, who I’m assuming is the king, stepped out of the shadows.

“Well, I see you’ve been set free. And who is this? He asked turning to me.

“Um, I’m Sco-“

“I don’t actually care.’ Said the king, “But just so you know, you’ve just sentenced my daughter to her own death.” And with that he plunged a dagger into her stomach. Without us realizing it he had slowly approached, and had slipped a knife out of his belt. But without MY knowledge she had also been drawing her own blade, so with her final ounce of energy she drove the blade home. Her father collapsed, dead on the cold, purple floor. The girl collapsed as well, before she hit the ground I caught her, telling her to hold on.

“It’ll be…okay…but what’s…your…name?” she wheezed.

“My name is-“But she had already gone.

I whispered at the corpse lying in my lap, “My name is Scott.”

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