Brothers Together | Teen Ink

Brothers Together

February 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Today I did a prank on my brother Adam because I am super smart , I made a trap. that when he went on the trao
p , he goes up and down , but it was not so good, he said he'll use his heat vision to get los but he fell because he was in the air, and misplaced his hand . After he realized that his hand was misplaced , he said he 'll never go on more missions, I fainted when he said that he will go on more missions , his hand had bent to the extent that it was behind his back , my lile brother Leo puked . When I woke up I was in my cap (it's my sleeping room bath room , everything). When I found Mr. Davernport he said I must go and talk to Adam for his self-confidence has been destroyed, but I said

- no because if he gets his confidence back to get him to start using me as his boxing bag , check on my shoulder blåmärkefri .
 After he looked at me with deadly gaze. Then I said
- Ok specific " when he said
- yes , I thought it was me who would tell him.
Then I went to Adam and said,
-Adam Please, we need you, we need your abilities , some times we fight but if it our not you I did not know what TAI CHI was please come back . then he said
- No, never sorry brother but I am for plant our one bionic , little brother "with a glance that he was in earnest , I went to Davernport base, and Davernport so
What did he say ?
 By jumping in his voice , I just shook his head, after he said
We need to add the item huvad together and deceive Adam with old bus " after nearly three seconds we said together," done " , plannen is that I 'll let Adam think I'm locked in my capsule and could not breathe and come to suffocate in here But when Davernport blast to Adam that I was locked in my capsule Adam said
- I know you are playing with me plus if he could not breathe he come screaming and gasping for air when I use him to clean the toilet "
Then said Mr. Davernport
-Hands Chase he does not buy it , get out now. "
When Adam way down on Mr. Davernport mission control chair but his foot pressed KVDM ( Capsule Heat Disinfektions funds) when it locked me into my capsule and heat began kommar in, Mr. Davernport said
-Adam what have you done you have activated KVDM that goes up to 2000 degrees. "
Then I started to faint because I could not breathe and started screaming , choking and gasping for air when I tried to beat down the door with my force field but then I remembered what Mr. Davernport so that my capsule can hold a missile, So my force field would not be stronger , but then suddenly said Adam
- he can not breathe why did not you say " then said Mr. Davernport
I said something after all " when Adam ran towards my cap and use their superstarkhet to beat down the door. And lifted me up and left me to fall on the ground after I woke up, and so I
- You have just föstört an indestructible canister , without thinking " when he said
- actually it feels good to use my strength again " when I asked
-Are you back? " when he said" aa yes I'm back " then said Mr. Davernport
You see , you completed the task without thinking about anything " then Adam Said -from now on I will spend the rest of my life without thinking " then Mr. Davernport and i said no.


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