Fiction essay | Teen Ink

Fiction essay

January 27, 2014
By prestonroz BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
prestonroz BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the only thing that thats a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun

She was a different kind of girl, one that you would only dream of. She had this gift where she could fly. I found this out when I was in 6th grade and I saw her flying to school. You should have seen the amazement in my eyes. No one else at school had powers like hers. No one else knew of her powers. I could not wait to meet her face to face but, If only I knew how evil she truly was.
When I saw her at school I was too shocked to talk to her. I did not have any classes with her but I did have the same lunch period as her. About three days passed until I got the guts to just walk up and talk to her during lunch. When I started to talk to her I asked her about the time I saw her flying. She spit out her food and started to laugh erratically. She condescendingly explained that it was childish of me to think someone could fly to school. This made me want to get proof of her mid flight so I could expose her for who she really is. Later that day after school I followed her to see how she got home. I found out she took the bus like a normal kid. So this made me think I was a little crazy.
The next day I was looking in the sky before school started waiting to see a girl flying above my house but she never flew by. When I made it to school I saw her walking in the halls and asked her how she got to school. She replied “don’t worry about it”. That response made me very suspicious about what she meant. All day I could only think about that one sentence. I was so distracted in class and when I went home I could never focus on homework. I knew if I was to maintain my school grades I needed to get to the bottom of this mystery.
At first I tried to forget about the whole situation but every time I saw her at lunch it would always pop up in my mind again. And it’s not like I did not try and avoid her but she just stands out so easily. She is the only muscular girl that wears baggy clothes every day. After about week of being stressed out I decided enough was enough. I told my friend Jacob about her and asked if he would help me follow her in his red 1984 firebird after school. After telling Jacob everything I knew about her he happily agreed. When the bell rang to release us we got in Jacobs car and waited for her outside. We saw her get into a grey rusty pickup truck. We got behind the car she was in and I think they noticed us because they started going through side streets. I told Jacob to keep his distance to avoid suspicion. They soon got back on the main road and jumped immediately on to the highway. We were too far in this to back out so we pursued. We got up to 85 mph and all of a sudden we noticed a black SUV tailgating us. We tried to get in other lanes to get out of the way but they did the same. They kept getting closer and closer to us and we could not outrun them. Suddenly they smashed our back side and spun us out of control. As we did 360 after 360 and all I could think about was how we would stop. I could see clouds of smoke from all the burning rubber. Somehow we missed all the cars on the road and came to a screeching stop on the right side of the road. When we looked around for both the black SUZ and gray pickup but there was no sign of either of them. We got out of the car and looked at the damage. Luckily it was minor so we never reported it to insurance. We decided to go home and go to sleep.
After a long night of restless sleep I could only thinking about the next day of school. When the sun finally rose I showered, put my clothes on, and ate breakfast then raced off to school. That day at school I was looking for the girl but I never saw her. For about the next week we looked for her. Jacob and I asked the APs about her and they said she dropped out. I never got her name but I feel like it was not too important. We never know who or what she but would I have a feeling we will never be seeing her again.

The author's comments:
its was a quick story because i had 2 days to completely rewrite it


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