Prologue | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By Anonymous

Leila Lyons cradled her baby daughter in her arms holding her close to her chest. Leila softly sang a mesmerizing tune into her daughter's ear, trying to comfort her and also herself. "My darling girl; don't you cry. You are sent from heaven above... With a heart as strong as gold; with bravery like a lion... With love like the love I have for you..." Her words seemed to echo around the walls as the petite child stared at her mother with wide green eyes. Leila smiled upon her daughter, but behind her smile, was fear. Fear of losing her loved ones, especially her baby girl. However, she shook her head. 'Just silly thoughts.' she told herself.

"Leila?" The voice of her husband who ambled over to her weakened her fear of being alone.

"Yes, my love?"

"I was just making sure you were alright. Jason is tucked into bed and asleep. You must sleep as well."

"I will once my baby girl sleeps."

Her husband gently took their daughter from Leila's arms and laid her down into her crib. "She shall sleep once she's alone. Come now, my beloved." He took her hand and tugged her towards the door, when the sound of something giant collapsed to the ground.

"What was that?" Leila demanded, peering down the stairs. A black cloaked figure walked through the dust that surrounded the damaged door. "Honey, who-"

"There's no time to explain." Her husband's hand was shaking underneath hers which frightened her. Leila's beloved companion gripped her hand tighter, knowing exactly who the cloaked figure was. "You must take the children into the nursery and stay there. Lock the door and protect yourselves, no matter what."

Leila shook her head, gripping onto his strong hand as tears caressed her face. "I'm n-not leaving without y-you. If y-you f-fight then I-I f-fight, t-too."

He gripped her face into his hands, staring deeply into her eyes. "Listen to me, Lei. You must protect the children. No matter what happens you need to stay hidden. Do you understand me?"


"Do you understand me?"

"Yes." She sobbed.

"Now go!" Before turning, she pressed her lips to the man she loved passionately. "I-I love you s-so much."

He cradled her head in his hands, looking at his beautiful love one last time. "I love you." Leila left out another choked sob as her husband’s hand slipped out of hers and she watched as his body disappeared out the door. Leila just felt like curling up in a ball and sobbing until she didn’t have any more energy, but she knew she must protect her children.

She quickly took Sasha into her arms and dashed into the nursery where Jason slept soundly. Leila laid Sasha slowly down next to her brother before barricaded the door with a bookshelf and desk. She gathered Sasha and Jason in her arms and curled up in the corner. She felt herself shaking as the voice of her husband echoed around the house. “I told you once and I will repeat myself again: you can take me. You can take over Olympus. You can destroy all of humanity, but you cannot touch my family.”

A cold shrill voice that made Leila shiver responded to her husband. “I don’t want you, Olympus, or to destroy humanity. I want the girl.”

“What girl?”

“You know what girl!” the man shouted. “I want the girl born on the 21st of May. I want the girl with dark hair and green eyes. I want the girl born containing your blood. I want the girl that came out of Leila Lyons’ womb.”

The longest pause of Leila’s life was made as she waited for her beloved’s reply. She clutched Jason and Sasha to her chest tighter, slowly whispering, “I won’t let anyone hurt you, my darlings.”

“I have given you everything freely.” Her husband finally replied. “But like I said before, the one thing you cannot have is my family.”

“Then so be it. I will get her myself.” Leila held back a scream as the sound of spells and swords clashing rang in her ears. Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall as she heard her husband grunting.

She gasped all of a sudden as her husband appeared in the bedroom, through teleportation. “Darling-“

“He hasn’t left yet. I cannot keep him off though.”

Leila bit her lip and felt fresh tears swimming in her eyes. “Go. Take Jason and go. I will protect Sasha.”

The horror on her husband’s face was clearly displayed. “No! I’m not leaving you.”

“You have to,” she choked out. The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs was echoing. “If you don’t take Jason he will die. That man doesn’t want Sasha dead just yet. You have to take Jason and leave me with Sasha. That’s the only way the children will be safe.”

“What about you?”

She shuddered and stared deep into her lover’s eyes. “You must leave me. My life is for my children, but my heart will always be with you.”

“Leila -”he whispered. The sound of steps coming down the hallway was heard.


“I can’t leave you though!” They both jumped as the door gave a loud bang.

“You have to!” Leila sobbed.

He shook his head. “I-” Something slammed into the door again. It was halfway open.

“Go! Take Jason!” Leila laid Sasha in her crib and gathered her husband’s face in her hands giving him a lingering kiss. “I love you.”

“I will love you forever.” Leila kissed the top of her son’s head, then took a few steps back and watched as her husband disappeared just as the door burst open. She stood as a barrier in front of the crib as the dark cloaked figure stepped out of the ruble and dust.

“Move aside, girl.”

“No,” Leila replied firmly attempting to keep her voice steady.

“I warned you. Step aside.”

“No!” With a sneer the figure give one swift plunge into her stomach with his sword. As blood seeped through she kissed the top of her daughter’s head whispering, “Stay strong, baby girl. I love you.” As the world seemed to turn into darkness the last thing Leila saw was her daughter’s mobile hanging up on the ceiling, which contained a lion, a wand, a dog, and a lightning bolt.

The author's comments:
This is a prologue I wrote for a story I've been thinking about for awhile now. :)

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