The Kidnapping of Billy Gooby | Teen Ink

The Kidnapping of Billy Gooby

January 14, 2014
By shelbzter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
shelbzter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Billy Gooby was a very happy boy. He lived with his mom in Montello, Nevada. It’s a little town but he loved it. When his father left them when he was only five years old, Billy and his mom moved there. They are both as happy as they can be. Until the phone calls started coming.

One Saturday morning , Billy got a surprise from his mom. He’s 14 now so he knew what was coming. A new cell phone! It wasn’t 20 minutes after he got the phone and his mom left for work that he got a call. The person on the other end didn’t say a word, except an occasional deep breath. Billy got so scared he hung up the phone and threw it on the couch. He was so scared because something like that has never happened to him. He calmed down thinking it was just a prank. But then he got another call. He said, “Hello?” All you could hear was breathing. Then a soft, kind of nervous, and unfamiliar voice said, “Meet me at the taco bell on 46th street at 7:00 today. Tell no one. Just be there.”

He was so scared he called his mom and said to come home right away. But she couldn’t leave work until at least 6:35. His heart was thumping loudly THUMP, THUMP, THUMP . His heart was a pounding elephant . He locked all the doors and windows and locked himself in his room. When he heard a noise downstairs he started freaking out. He started to call 911 when he heard his mom at his door. He calmed down and let her in. She said, “It’s ok Billy, calm down. What’s the matter?” “Nothing’s wrong. I guess I just thought heard something.” “Well ok then. Are you hungry? Let’s go eat somewhere. What about taco bell?” Then Billy started crying again so his mom just brought him to the car. He tried to convince her to not go there but she just got mad and said to be quiet.

When they arrived at taco bell it was 6:58. Billy said lets go through the drive through and go home but his mom still didn’t listen. He was as scared as the victim in a horror movie. When they got out of the car, a guy with a ski mask on grabbed Billy by the arm and threw him in the trunk of a car. His mom was uproarious the whole time screaming, “Give me back my baby!!!!!” The man with the ski mask on then got into the car and drove away. Two hours later, he got out and was shaking to death and crying. He just wanted to go home. He was taken to the lowest floor possible in the building. When he got there, the ski mask man sat Billy in a chair. Billy’s nose tensed up to the smell of what he thought was a dead pig.

When the kidnapper started to peel off his mask, Billy then it really was realized who it was, his father. He just didn’t know why. He said, “Dad? Is that you? What..? How..? What..?” He couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. He just couldn’t understand after all these years; his own father kidnaps him and all he has to say was, “I’m sorry.”

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