The Phone Call | Teen Ink

The Phone Call

December 5, 2013
By ambermc123 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
ambermc123 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a rainy afternoon and Amber and Ashley decided to go to the mall. They were in their favorite store, Hollister. They were looking around and seen so many things they wanted, but they didn’t have enough money. They changed their mind and decided to try a different store hoping they would have enough money. They walked around the mall looking for a different store, as Ashley’s mom calls her phone. “Hello,” Ashley said as she only hears the dial tone. “Mom? Are you there?” Still no answer, so she hung up the phone thinking she probably just sat on her phone and hit the call button. About five minutes later, she called again. Ashley answered the phone and still there was no one there. “Amber, should I be worried, she’s never done this before.” said Ashley.
Hoping she would answer, I dialed the house phone. Suddenly, someone picked up the phone before it even got a chance to ring once. There was about 30 seconds of silence before she heard anything. She listened as closely as possible and started to hear music in the background. Amber hung up the phone and called her dad. “Dad, can you go back to the house and check on mom? She keeps calling me but not saying anything and its making me worried.” Ashley and Amber both sat along the benches in the mall waiting for another call from her Dad.

It was about twenty minutes later, and they still haven’t gotten another call from anyone. She picked up her phone and started dialing her dad’s number again when suddenly, her phone started ringing again. The number was blocked and she wasn’t sure whether it would be good choice to answer it or not. She quickly picked up the phone and said hello. Someone was there but she never heard the voice before. “Hello? Is this Ashley?” the random person asked. “Depends, who’s this?” Ashley asked. They quickly hung up the phone saying no words. Ashley and Amber got too worried to just continue shopping, so they both went to the car and started heading home.

Finally, they were home. Ashley quickly ran into the house, and
Amber followed. “Mom? Where are you? Are you okay? Where’s your phone? Where’s dad?” she yelled throughout without taking any breathes in between. Ashley heard a noise coming from upstairs so she quickly dropped all the shopping bags and ran as fast as she could up the steps. “Mom? I know you’re here.” “Yes Ashley? Your home awfully quick aren’t ya? Did you get the stuff I asked for?” mom said. “The stuff? Huh?” Ashley said with the confused face she usually has in math class. “Yes Ashley I called you like ten times trying to tell you to bring me home a few things, weren’t you listening to me?” she said looking a little angry. Ashley explained everything that was happening while she was calling. They both figured out, every time my mom would start talking she would accidently hit the mute button on her new iPhone.

“Wait, who was the random caller though?” Amber said. Amber and Ashley both looked at each other with a confused look. “I don’t know who would call me with a blocked number who would actually know whose phone it is?” Ashley picked up her phone and realizes she had a missed voice mail. “Maybe it’s her?” she said looking anxious to listen. She dialed her voicemail and put it on speaker phone. “Hello? Helloooo? This is Alyssa from Star bound? This is ashleys phjone right? Please call me back wheb ever you get the chance to let me know? Okay thanks.” Said the voicemail.

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