Thrift Shop Reptiles | Teen Ink

Thrift Shop Reptiles

February 28, 2013
By jotenbaker BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
jotenbaker BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trift Shop Reptiles
“This body found under the bridge, now racks up a staggering 34 citizens of Beulah Michigan, murdered and partially consumed by a mysterious creature. Medical examiners drawn from all around have heard about this case and are looking into the animal markings left on the bodies. At this time we would like everyone in Beulah and nearby to please stay inside, I repeat stay inside!" Turning off the TV, Joseph Evergreen, a college student of Oakland University, blows off the warnings with his friends wile on spring break at his condo in downtown Beulah. All of his fraternity brothers are sprawled out around the hardwood floors of the condo, passed out from the party the night before. Joe is the first awake and goes to the kitchen to find something to help alleviate his hangover. "Coffee!" he whispers excitedly to himself. He opens the door to second story patio to get some fresh air and enjoy his coffee. He looks out and sees that the lake is still and without any boats and a constant breeze. He sets his coffee down and wakes up his closest friend, Garrett. he helps to pull him up to his feet. "Shhh, don't wake them up. It's a perfect morning to go out sailing!" He whispers with a nod of his head. "I'm definitely down for that man but, I don't know how and I don't have a bathing suit." Garrett replies back. Joe quickly replies, "Don't worry about that. I'll teach you, and there is a Salvation Army right down the street." "Alright man, whatever. Get the suit and wake me up when u get back."Garrett demands mid yawn. Joe kicks the red solo cups that cover the floor out of his path to the door. Walking into town he remembers why there isn't anyone out and about. Then he realizes that nothing is open because there aren't any customers to buy their goods. He gets nervous being the only one out on the street but is even more nervous about not getting a suit for Garrett, so that he can go out sailing. Once he reaches the Salvation Army he finds out that the gods have listened and was the only store in the town open, and the only store that he needed. He opened the heavy wood door and the bell rang followed by a "hello young man." from an elderly women behind the counter. He took a long look at her. He felt that something was off about her, then noticed that her skin was peeling very bad like his pet bearded dragon he had as a kid. he didn't want to stare very long to make her feel self-conscious. "If you need anything honey just let me know." She said in a quiet, crackly voice. "Ok thank you. Swim wear?" He replied. "Back right next to the paddle boards." She returned will reading her book. He walked strait there and went to text Garrett what size but realized that he had forgotten it. He made an estimate and quickly chose one. He looked back at the elderly lady and became fascinated in her skin condition. Then noticed something moving in the mirror behind her. At first he thought that she had a cat or dog behind the counter with her but saw that it was way too long of a tail to be anything like that and was a greenish blue color. He sat there puzzled at what he thought he saw, turned back to see that she had vanished in a split second. He then remembered the news that he woke up to and all the murders in the last month were the bodies were eaten. He though no way, I have too imaginative of a mind. but in a panic started to sprint but got stuck in his tracks by the heavy wood door that has been locked since he walked in. the curtains are drawn and the open sign off. He starts to hyperventilate and sees glimpses and shadows of something maneuvering through the racks of clothing. He told himself right then and there that he wasn't going to die, he wasn't going to be eaten. He looks across the store and sees some sporting equipment in the corner. Thinking to himself he keeps low and slowly starts moving in that direction keeping completely silent. he's only about 30 feet away and decides to sprint over and see what he can use to protect himself. Panicking, he looks through the equipment making lots of racket and before you know it, the transformed creature that must have been 15 feet tall, bulky and scaled from head to toe, standing on its back feet holding balance with its tail and leaning over him Flickering its tongue with saliva running down its face. Joe lying on his back under it, quickly grabs an ice skate and slices a cut on its right leg. it looks at the wound and back at Joe even more pissed off. Joe quickly scrambles back in wedges himself in the corner. The beast charges toward him and stops all together and lets out a loud screech once on top of him. Nothing happens for a moment and Joe shoves it off of him. A ski pole stuck in the chest. He gets up and grabs the chair behind the desk to smash out a window, climbs out to see day light and sprints as fast as he can back home. Doesn't say a word to his friends and immediately grabs a phone to call 911... "A student of Oakland University literally slayed a dragon yesterday at the thrift shop in downtown Beulah. solving the case of the 34 murders, we interviewed him and asked what will he do with the reward money and the body of the creature, he said "i'm going to buy a catamaran sailboat and taxidermy the body and place it in the entrance of my frat house, live out my days as a legend." Pretty cocky I say but I couldn't have survived that. next .We tell you what vegetable could be giving your 5 year old cancer, after this commercial break." Joe leans over his bar stool to a beautiful girl next to him and says, " Ya that's me, you impressed?"

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