The Purple Elephant That Could | Teen Ink

The Purple Elephant That Could

March 7, 2013
By Shelby Staats BRONZE, Pemberville, Ohio
Shelby Staats BRONZE, Pemberville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a purple elephant name Emily. She didn’t have any friends because she was purple. The other animals that lived near Emily were all normal colors and have never seen a purple elephant before. They were either scared to go near her, because they had never seen a different colored elephant or would pick on her. Emily would usually just shrug it off and not care, but when people made fun of her she would worry.

One day Emily was hanging out at the pond when some other elephants around her age came up. They started teasing her and making her upset. Emily couldn’t take it anymore and she just started running, running away from the bullies, from the comments, from everything. She stopped on the the top of a hill, glad to be away from everyone. She didn't know where she was, but she didn’t care. She carelessly walked a bit further paying close attention to the new area surrounding her. Emily liked the quiet of this new place; it was a good place for her to think. She eventually sat down on a nearby rock and started to drift off...

When she woke up, it was blurry. Squinting and trying to move her feet, she realized she had been tied up. Emily also figured out she was in the back of a very big truck being driven to some unknown location. She started to panic until a person hit her with what appeared to be a needle of some sort and once again, everything went black.
Emily awoken and was in a tent, surrounded by clowns, tigers, tightropes, horses, unicycles, and more crazy stuff. All of the animals in here were normal colors like the ones back home. She was once again tied up, but this time to posts. There was a tiger next to Emily. He started to talk to her.
“Woah, I've never seen a purple elephant before! You’re so cool, what’s your name? I’m Marcus.”
Emily was startled, but happy someone liked her purple skin.“Thanks, I’m Emily, where am I?”
“The circus, duh.”
“The circus? What’s a circus?”
“All of the animals and people here have always dreamt of being apart of a circus for forever, and you newcomer show up and don’t even know what one is?”
“Sorry, I didn’t really plan on coming here, I was sort of forced.”
“They tied you up?”
“Yeah, did they do that to you?”
“No, I wanted this and have worked very hard. There once was somebody else that was forced, but he’s no longer with us.”
“Oh, I don’t understand why they would want me, they have those gray, normal elephants over there.”

Emily could suddenly hear faint whispers of two men standing close to her and Marcus.

“What are they talking about?” Emily said.

Marcus said,“Be quiet and listen.”

“You seriously brought another elephant here Justin! We already have four, we don’t need another” the one man said. He was very short and fat and had a bald spot.

“Yes, I know Bob but you have to see this one. It’s nothing like the others!” Justin said. He was much younger and taller.

“Ugh, fine. Just so you know there couldn’t be anything about this elephant that would make me keep it, unless it was blue or something ridiculous like that,” Bob said back.

“Well, it’s certainly not blue...”, Justin said.

Bob and Justin then walked over to Emily. When Bob looked at her, his eyes just about popped out of his head! He was so startled to see a large purple elephant he was speechless. Justin, being the cocky, young boy he is said, “Ha, told you you want her and that she wasn’t blue.”

Justin and Bob started to train Emily. They taught her to lift her foot, let people ride and do tricks on her back, shoot water from her trunk, and different routines she would do at every show. Emily didn’t really understand why, but looked around and saw Marcus and some other animals doing the same. Emily soon realized she was being trained to be in a show called the circus. Emily was excited to be apart of something and couldn’t wait.
Lots of people and animals would come up to Emily and be amazed at her purple skin. She felt better than she had ever felt in her whole life. Having people comment and accept Emily was great and she loved it! Over the next few weeks she worked hard for the shows and made great friends that were always very nice to her. Emily couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have friends who accepted her and loved her. She continued to travel around with her friends and put on circuses around the world. Emily never once thought about her old life when the other animals wouldn’t talk to her. She just thought about how great her life was now!

The author's comments:
I really like elephants. I hope people treat others nicely from reading my article.

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