Reflective Piece of Glass | Teen Ink

Reflective Piece of Glass

January 1, 2013
By Anonymous

The Reflective Piece Of Glass
As AJ lifted up his battered eyes and looked at the broken cockpit, he realised
they had crash landed. He gazed around and soon found his friends, Noah and Michael, unconscious. When he tried to move, he felt an unbearable rush of pain. When he looked down, there was a pool of blood on his leg and the only thing holding it together was a thin piece of flesh that looked like it could snap at any minute. Undoubtedly, he knew that his leg was broken.....
One week earlier Aj and his friends were on the verge of a scientific breakthrough.
They were working intently on the world changing invention that would leave everyone that knew about it with there mouths to the floor. It was an unstoppable, reckless, and super defended helicopter. When they finished, Aj said to himself, “Not even God can stop this helicopter,” or so he thought...
When they successfully completed the invention the, they received calls from all over the
world requesting the priceless innovation. When they received their first phone call they all froze not knowing who it was, and hoping that it was offer from a major country. They all just stood there, until AJ finally walked up slowly to the telephone and answered it. He said, “Hello?”
“Hello, this is the ambassador of China,” he exclaimed “Is this Alex Terry Jr.?” When he
heard that, a tingling sensation surged down his spine “Yes?” he replied,
“ Psssssst! Psssssst!” Noah and his friends whispered “Who is it?”

“It’s the ambassador of China!” he tried to whisper back but he was too excited to hold it in. His friend gave each other hi-fives and tried to quiet down remembering he was still on the phone with him. “Good, the reason why I called is to discuss, perhaps, a deal to purchase your incredible invention. ” he stated,
“I’m listening,” AJ said, trying not to sound too eager,

“ Our offer is five million dollars,” he said, AJ was a little disheartened due to the fact that he thought it was surely worth more than five million dollars. “Sir,” he replied, “I believe our invention is worth more than the amount you offered,”

“I am sorry Mr. Terry, but recently there was a devastating earthquake in China and we’re still fixing the damages , that is all I can do for you,” He sadly said,

“Well Mr. Ambassador thank you for your offer, but I’ll have to humbly decline.” he proclaimed in a business tone,
“Alright then, thank you for your time.” the ambassador answered,
“No, thank you,” he declared,
“Okay, bye.” he responded,

“Bye,” he replied. As he hung up, his friends looked at him with amazement when they heard him decline the offer. “What?” he asked,
“You turned down five million dollars!” Noah exclaimed,
“Guys, trust me on this we’ll have better and bigger offers in less than two hours!”

“Okay,” Noah said, “If you say so.” After that, four hours went by and they received millions of calls but not millions of dollars. They almost gave up and when all hope seemed lost they received a phone call, and they all rushed to the telephone like a lion chasing after a deer. Aj answered the phone first and said “Hello,”
“Hello, this is the ambassador of Arica, and is this Alex Terry Jr.?” he asked,
“Yes,” he replied,

“You see Mr. Terry , our president is going to Hungary for a peace treaty, but we’re traveling over enemy territory and they will stop at nothing to kill or president. Thats why we need your helicopter to safely fly our president to Hungary.”

“Thats a very valid reason why you need our aircraft, so with that being said how much are you willing to pay?” he answered,
“Two point five billion dollars,” he responded,
“Sold!!!” Aj declared before he even thought about it,
“Thank you Mr. Terry! We are forever in your debt, ” The ambassador said excitedly,
“No, its okay Mr. Ibaka,” Aj said,

“So Mr. Terry, how do you feel about you and your co workers coming to meet the president in your incredible helicopter?” he asked,
“We’ll love to!” he declared,
“Great, we will see you soon,” he said to Mr. AJ,
“ Alright, we’ll keep in touch,” he answered,
“Okay, bye-bye,” he said hanging up,
“Bye” he slowly replied, still thinking of what just happened. Before he could get a word out to friends, they overwhelmingly asked him questions, until Aj said, “Okay!!! Stop it, please,”
everyone froze, then they started apologizing “It’s ok, but anyways we just accepted two point five billion dollars!!!” AJ yelled,
“Tttttttttwwwwwoooooo point five billion?” Michael sputtered,
Aj was nodding his head and said “ We are also taking a trip to Africa! In our very own helicopter,”
After he said that they all celebrated and congratulated each other for their success, then AJ reminded everyone to be back there same time next week for take-off. So when the party was over they said their goodbyes and went home.
One week later , AJ was happily packing his bags and getting ready to go to
Africa for the presentation. When he finished, he called his friend Noah and exclaimed, “Hey, I might be a couple minutes late so you and Michael can start boarding the helicopter without me.”
“ Okay, we’ll see you soon.” replied Noah,
“Alright”, responded AJ, “Bye.” ….
He arrived there 10 minutes before take-off, then he hurriedly unloaded his bags
and rushed to the helicopter. When he found his friends waiting and buckled up, he
quickly loaded the aircraft and gave the pilot the signal to take flight...
“So,” AJ announced, “Are you guys ready to meet the president of Africa?”
“Yes,” Replied Michael “I’m looking forward to it.”
“And you, Noah?” asked AJ,

“I’ve never felt-” Noah was interrupted by the sounds of the what seemed liked turbulence, but it was more than that... It was trouble...

When he saw he was the only one continuous in the helicopter, he tried to move his leg again, this time there was only raw pain that he had never felt before. As he was struggling to move he recognized a reflective piece of glass and noticed that the tank of gas was on fire. He hurriedly loosened his seat belt. Fortunately, when took the seat belt off he hobbled out of the helicopter and staggered as much as he could and as far away from the aircraft. Sadly, when he looked back, he saw his wonderful invention and friends blow up in flames.

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