Falling. | Teen Ink


December 14, 2012
By halieeeee123 BRONZE, Garland, Texas
halieeeee123 BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One afternoon, Jessie decided to wander around a lake. The day, so lovely seemed perfect. The sun shining and shimmering made him feel like he didn’t have a care in the world, Until he stepped over a loose drain. The drain fell in, and Jessie collapsed.

He waited for hours but no one cared enough to help. Jessie, all alone began to lose faith. Yelling for six hours had accomplished nothing. Thinking in his head, “maybe one more try at calling for help”, while screaming “Help!” seconds later a man driving by heard and stopped. Thankfully the driver called for help.
Moments after the call help arrived. Jessie was saved. He was very grateful for the by passer. He couldn’t have been more relieved to be out of the drain. He went home, he learned to be more careful and to watch where he was going.

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