Just... Believe:) | Teen Ink

Just... Believe:)

March 27, 2011
By aawkwaard_ GOLD, Grand Junction, Colorado
aawkwaard_ GOLD, Grand Junction, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
monsters don't live under our beds; they live inside our heads.

Have you ever wanted to fly, just to have a rush to fall?
Have you ever wanted to stick a metel object in the light socket just so you can light up the room?
Have you ever wanted to feel pain like you have never felt it before?
Have you ever wanted to take a ride on the wild side just for the experience?
These rushes are a blast as they start out but get worse after your done.
Regret's form and laughter become tears.
But really have you ever wanted to try just to see if you were strong enough to attempt it? Anyone is but only the strongest survive. Set your heart to it and you can achieve anything:) Just... Believe.


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