The Cursed Car | Teen Ink

The Cursed Car

September 8, 2023
By Fredop BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Fredop BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day Garcia bought his dream car but he knew that the car he bought had a curse this car was possessed by the devil he wanted to train the car but who knows? On August 4 Garcia was going to the Delar ship he wanted to buy a car he had been looking at since he was a kid a GT 360 with a drop bed and a V8 engine The sounds this car made were beautiful he went and talked the vineder he wanted 1800 hundred for it but he only had to pay 1600 for it witch he was surprised that it came that cheap so he assumed there was something wrong with it so the first thing he did was take it to the shop he asked the worker to give it a once over and he said it looked good he just needed a oil change he left the car there for about an hour he came back and the car looked beautiful. he was driving it home on the freeway when he did a booster to see the speed of the car he wanted to test the limit of the car he put it in the foreword and took off By the time he hit 225 he was already at the top 160 he had to make a sharp turn when he saw the red and blue lights behind him he went to pull over on the side and he came to a complete stop he watched the cop get outta the car and walk up slowly as so as he got to the car he the gas was hit it wasent him tho the car was driving on its own the cop quickly got back in the car and the chase began weaving throw the cars like he was in fast and furious he was it was driving like a pro it had hit 180 speed when the cop was nowhere to be found he had lost them he slowed down and headed home the car had no scratches or brakes he had a car that could drive on its own he thought about all the things he could do go to drag races and show he would when big with money they would be the best driving team any one would ever see.

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Ghost Rida 

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