Providence College | Teen Ink

Providence College MAG

By Anonymous

   Providence, RI: On a rainy Thursday during February vacation our visit to Providence College proved to be as dismal as the day. The rain kept the students in their dorms and the campus nearly deserted. A freshman did talk about the college academics and campus life with us.

Looking at Providence College for the first time two thoughts come to mind. The campus is very clean and relatively small. Driving through the gate, there is a safe feeling because there is a guard at the gate and there are security people driving around.

Entering a dorm room, many thoughts come to mind: who would be my roommates? Would I get along with them? How big would the room be? When these thoughts come to mind, you start to wonder if they are normal. A freshman explained that before he saw a college dorm, he was anxious and had a ton of questions too. The room was very different from what I had expected. It was a decent-sized room with two windows covered by two bunk beds. It certainly was a positive sight.

Providence College offers 36 academic majors and 33 minors, which gives the student body many options to choose from. When the wide range of academic majors and minors are viewed by the freshmen for the first time, there is a nervous feeling because they know the major they pick will affect the rest of their lives.

The student body not only has many options in academic areas but also in extracurricular activities with more than 85 student clubs and organizations, according to the Providence College Web Page. A freshman strongly agreed that there are many clubs and organizations that students can get involved with, including a radio station run by Providence College students and intramural sports.

Any student who plans on going to college should have Providence College on their list of schools to look into because of its small, clean campus and excellent academics. f

Reviewed in 1998

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