Failure to Fail | Teen Ink

Failure to Fail

September 24, 2013
By Anonymous

Everyone experiences incident or failures in everyday life that affects us and teaches us lessons. People have had at least one incident or failure in their life that changed their life forever. Past failures in my life affected School, my life, and future events from the choices I made.

Although, everyday failures happen and affect me, I don’t let that stop me, but I have learned lessons from those failures. I learned that I am not good at those certain tasks that I have tried and failed. Also, the choices I made were my decisions and looking back at the choices now I realize why I made those choices. An example of my decisions is my failure in school such as failing classes and procrastinating on my assignments. Failing classes affected me because instead of using my summer vacation to relax I was sitting in summer school working. I learned how to fail the hard way and now I have learned from these lessons and realize what I can and cannot do and in school that won’t change my life forever.

Also, failures and incidents I face every day have changed my life and I still learn from my mistakes. Even though they’re little they can make all the difference and can change your life in a way you won’t expect. I control these objectives and it’s my decision if I pass or fail the tasks I try. A lesson I learned in life is you will have to deal with the hand that is dealt to you, and you have to work hard to get what you want. All of these past events I have failed have taught me lessons. Those lessons are never given up, it won’t get handed to you, and if you’re not first you’re last.
Finally, failures I have made will affect future events more than anything else. I have made choices that can prevent me from doing things I want to do in the future. An example is if you were to get in trouble with the law it can greatly affect your future. Getting a nice job may be harder to get if you made bad choices and failed from them. I have made failures in life where police became involved and I again look back at those events and ask myself what I was thinking. From making the choice it taught me a main lesson for my future, that lesson is think before you act.

In conclusion every person on the planet has made good and bad choices that affected them but some of the choices affect you more than others. I wouldn’t change a single thing about my choices in life, because if I did I wouldn’t have learned from those failures and I wouldn’t have been able to experience those failures first hand and learn those lessons I know today.

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