BELIEVE! | Teen Ink


January 25, 2014
By NikitaB20 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
NikitaB20 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How many of us really take our college life immensely important? Yes, most of us do. But do you think it’s worth worrying so much? Even if we realize that it’s not, we still cannot stop worrying. And do you know why that is? It’s because we fail to believe enough in ourselves. It’s not very bad but I’ve been there and experienced the exact same phenomenon. And believe me; it doesn’t really do well to you in a case where you are in the search of yourself. All of us get so busy trying to just “FIT IN” that we do not really focus on being us, our real selves. This usually happens because we think that being our selves will do no good to us when we’re trying to gain some popularity or some attention from people that we think will be our ‘Friends for Life’. But unfortunately, it’s just an illusion. And we realize that when we’re left behind by those FRIENDS. But this should not be stopping us from believing in ‘Friendship’ because not everyone is same and we cannot make a generalization on the basis of just a few brats. WHY? Because there is always that one person who will come in your life in some form; be it a girl, boy, brother, sister or even a teacher, just someone who will always be by your side no matter what. And this will happen to you when you least expect it. Yes, it sounds just like a saying that is just a big FAIL; but no it holds true. I have experienced that. You will too. But there are times when you feel that the whole world is against you. Don’t worry, that will soon fade away. And when you feel that way just close your eyes say this one word to yourself BELIEVE and see the wonders it does to your mood. I can say that because I’m just another teenager like you.
I always felt that when I helped someone they would not appreciate it but you know what? My mum once told me that no matter what just be who you are and take it in this way that you’re a light of a candle when they face darkness in their lives. And I took it that way. And guess what? It really works. I felt confident. And as for the appreciation, I learnt this from my best friend that someday or the other they will realize it and appreciate you and till then just feel good about yourself that you are a good person and you will get what you deserve. I listened to what she said and here I am feeling just as confident as a lion. So, don’t get paranoid about little situations in your life and especially about your peer. There is no way that you will be alone if you believe enough in yourself. And friends come and go; it is a way of life. Don’t get discouraged. Just stop caring about unnecessary things. Go out, have fun. Eat, Drink, and enjoy being yourself. And just forget that there’s anyone around you. Just when you think you’re about to cry start to do what you love. It should be anything that makes you happy. Listen to music and ignore the world. That’s my agenda. So, take a decision TO BELIEVE OR NOT.

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