The Life of an Orange | Teen Ink

The Life of an Orange

July 18, 2011
By leafy, City, Other
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

This is an art project I did, showing a simple object, an orange in this case, in a new light. It got in a teen exhibition in a local art museum and also got a "silver key" in the Scholastiv Art Competition.

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This video has 7 comments.

leafy said...
on Mar. 19 2012 at 4:27 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

Thanks! And no, I cheated XD

leafy said...
on Mar. 19 2012 at 4:26 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

Thanks, both of you ^_^

leafy said...
on Mar. 19 2012 at 4:26 pm
leafy, City, Other
0 articles 0 photos 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion. 
Ernest Hemingway: I hate it. 
Gil: You haven't even read it yet. 
Ernest Hemingway: If it's bad, I'll hate it. If it's good, then I'll be envious and hate it even more. You don't want the opinion of another writer. 

Thanks, glad you liked it?

on Feb. 10 2012 at 9:12 pm
Bandana56 BRONZE, Snohomish, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 13 comments
nice job dude, but did you actuallly get alllll that juice from that one orange?

on Jan. 7 2012 at 9:25 pm
nikkigonefishin GOLD, Los Angeles, California
17 articles 1 photo 145 comments

Favorite Quote:
" A smile is worth a thousand words"
" The purpose of the writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself."- Albert Camus

So awesome!! I loved the different music which set the atmosphere and I love the sound of peeling an orange^.^

on Dec. 1 2011 at 10:45 am
Paradise_Lost BRONZE, Mountville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 6 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
But paradise is locked and bolted; we must make a journey around the world to see if the back door has, perhaps, been left open.

Swearing is the last refuge of the imaginitively bankrupt.

I love this! And the music to go with it... Love it xD

TapTap SILVER said...
on Sep. 11 2011 at 4:56 pm
TapTap SILVER, New Berlin, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 146 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dream as if you'll live forever, love like there is no tomorrow, dance like there is no one watching.

This is funny, iloveit!