I Want Watermelon | Teen Ink

I Want Watermelon

April 29, 2024
By 5romagna BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
5romagna BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day, my friend told me to download this new app. why not? I thought. What I didn't know was how many hours this game would steal from my days. 

What seemed to be just another game that comes and goes amongst teens turned out to be the most consistent game I have ever played. I Want Watermelon is a game you can play on your phone, computer, tablet, and nearly any other electronic device. 

This game can be comparable to others such as 2048. They have a similar idea of stacking blocks together to create something bigger. Even though they have a similar idea, I Want Watermelon is more appealing due to the fun, colorful graphics; it also targets a broader age range because it requires no actual thinking about numbers. 

The main goal of the game is to stack different colorful fruits together that combine to the highest level fruit—the watermelon. The smallest fruit is a grape and you have to connect it with another grape to make a strawberry, and this goes on until you make two coconuts that connect to a watermelon. After you get a watermelon, the board expands so you can now try and make another watermelon. The game doesn’t end until you fill the board with fruits all the way to the top.  

The game is simple minded and can be set down and picked up at any time, making it the perfect game for either a couple minutes while waiting for something or even to play for hours on end when you are bored. 

The true excitement comes from the unpredictableness of the game. you may have fruits close together and them not touching, a fruit could bounce when you drop it, moving completely away from where you intended, or something as small as a grape could be keeping your two coconuts apart, making it the only reason you don’t have a watermelon. 

Special features like the shaker feature come in handy when you have two of the same fruits on the board and need the board to be rearranged to get them to touch. 

This may seem like a simple game but be warned—the colorful graphics, simple dynamic, and straightforward goal will keep you hooked for hours and coming back to the game in ALL the free time you have.

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