The Walking Dead | Teen Ink

The Walking Dead

January 28, 2015
By Bennett Harty SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Bennett Harty SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine the end of the world. Where people want to have normal lives, but because of a virus, it’s impossible.Would you ever think that a favorite television show of millions would involve zombies? Neither did I, until now.  “The Walking Dead” has been airing on television since October 12, 2010, and has been growing rapidly ever since. This television series is on its fifth season, with its season premiere on Sunday October 12th . It had a whopping 17 million viewers and that made it the most watched cable show of all time. The reason this series has become so popular, is mostly, because its not just about zombies, there is suspense, drama , love triangles, family, and heartwarming moments, an element of true life, yet it has a unrealistic kind of scary, one that most people can handle..

The “Walking Dead” is indeed about zombies.  These zombies are a good kind of scary though. These zombies give the element of intensity and heart pounding thrills and excitement while keeping it enjoyable. Its not a typical realistic threat that would normally scare people such as a murderer or pedophile that could potentially be a realistic threat to people. Instead this series is about a different topic with something that is not as likely, flesh eating zombies. Now don't get me wrong, the walking dead does have its moments where it is very gruesome. The make up artistes on this series are quite amazing. The attention to detail is frightening and the zombies do win their share of battles, even against some of the main characters.

Because the viewers see one of the main characters get killed off by flesh eating zombies, the “Walking Dead” has a ton of cliffhangers. The viewer needs to  tune in to the next weeks episode to see if one of their beloved characters is going to continue on their trek to find family and loved ones, be killed off or just simply disappear in the last scene. This show keeps you in suspense with good cliffhangers. They always get the viewer excited for the next week’s episode simply because the shows track record shows that somebody is coming back, being killed or surviving to see another day.These cliffhangers can also be a bad thing, because then the viewer will have to be very patient. In the world of the walking dead, anything can and will happen in this world of chaos.
In this world of chaos, the walking dead shows what the world would be like if anything bad were to happen, people do stupid things to survive. It shows real life scenarios where everybody would be in a panic, and an uproar with people killing, stealing and doing whatever they please.  It shows the hard times, and the fear of their everyday needs, trying to survive with many obstacles in the way. It is very similar to The Lord of The Flies mentality. Without government and rules the world would most likely fall apart.

As the world falls apart, there is still some normalcy. There are families tied together through blood and others tied together with the bond of survival. Survivors almost form tribes that stand up for each other and fight to make their safety and survival a priority in a messed up world. They will do anything to keep the Walkers away. although they find that the survival of the human enemy is sometimes far worse.

So, as the fifth season opens, it is yet one of the most memorable shows, watched by millions because it is a horror story of how people unite together in the time of crisis and yet fall apart at the same time. It has a true connection of humanity at its worst . Good against evil and man against man. Characters mourn for their lost loved ones and still do not want them back, because, if they do come back, they will be man eating zombies

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