Scandal | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By Dawn. BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Dawn. BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever Happens, Happens."

In order to have a hit TV series, you must meet my certain criteria. Here’s the list TV series have to meet; Plot, Chemistry, Relatable. These three things, to me will make a hit show.
Having a good plot is everything. A good plot makes the whole story come to life. You have the Exposition which introduces the characters and gives you the background of each character. Then, you have the Rising Action which shows the problems coming about. Next, you have the Climax, which is the most emotional part of the story. Then, you have the Falling Action which is when everything dies down. Lastly, you have the Resolution when all the problems get solved.
The second thing that makes a TV show worth watching is the chemistry. All the cast members have to have some type of friendly relationship for their on screen performance to be believable. Actors have to maintain a certain level of professionalism. To see the chemistry of co-stars on screen is amazing and when the director yells cut they go back to their regular lives.
Next, what makes a TV series is whether or not the viewers can relate. If the viewers can relate to the TV show and become emotionally connected, it makes it worth watching. In order to have many views you have to be able to deliver to everyone. Make the show, dramatic yet comedic, suspenseful yet sexy. These things will make a hit TV show.
Recently, I’ve been tuning into Scandal starring Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope. Her ability to make you feel every emotion through the screen is just fascinating. I love the fact that all her emotions and reactions aren’t predictable. I adore Kerry Washington’s style of acting. The way you can see her character thinking and calculating things is just amazing. Even though you watch and know it isn’t real life you still can’t help but to make the story your own and feel every emotion of every character. Even the mildest mannered character had a moving story. That’s what makes this show worthwhile, just when you think you know exactly what’s going on another jaw dropping event happens. The acting of all the characters is believable and you’ll never get tired of all the Scandal in Scandal.

The author's comments:
Scandal is Addicting

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