Suits Season One Review | Teen Ink

Suits Season One Review

May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

I first heard about Suits from my sister, who recommended it almost as soon as she started watching. Her excitement and passion for it made me curious to see what it was about.

Suits is a 2011 legal drama that is focused on a few members of a large powerful firm in New York that only hires from Harvard Law. The show starts off with one of the partners at the firm, Harvey Specter, wanting a new associate. During the interviewing process, none of the options were good until a man ran up to the desk trying to escape the police. Just for fun, they brought him into the interview room where he explained why he was running from the cops. Even though he was not qualified for the job or to even practice law, Harvey gave him the job because he could tell he was smart. The rest of the show follows them working together to close cases.

Each episode of Suits is 42 minutes long, and season one has 12 episodes. We get a feel for one of the characters, Louis, in the second episode when he blackmails Mike to get a client for the firm, but Mike investigates and realizes that Louis was lying and makes it backfire on Louis by stealing the client. This sets the tone of winning in situations that you wouldn’t expect. Mike has another unlikely win a few episodes later when he got his first solo case, which was in housing court, and should have been an easy win. When Mike reported back to Harvey of who the other attorney was, Harvey knew this was something bigger. Mike did a bit of digging and found that the owner of the properties had been trying to get people to move out by infesting his properties with bed bugs. Mike then found many other people that had the same problem from this man and turned it into a class-action lawsuit.

The casting was perfect. Harvey is a very confident, slightly arrogant man with a clean look, and Gabriel Macht portrays the character perfectly. Mike loves being the smartest in the room and uses his wits to get what he wants; he constantly is having problems from his past and the bad decisions he made. Louis is always jealous of Harvey, and he’s also cowardly with personal matters but a great lawyer. Donna is the best secretary according to everyone in the show; she knows the ins and outs and secrets of everything and everyone; she also is extremely close with Harvey. Rachel, played by Megan Markle, is a paralegal that knows more about law than most of the attorneys in the firm and is a love interest of Mike’s.

There is constant drama in the show; there is never just one thing going. Each episode is almost guaranteed for one of the main characters to have both a personal issue and a large responsibility at the firm. Lots of the drama is, of course, that Mike should not be practicing law, but they manage to get away from that too which switches things up and it’s not all the same.

There are many more seasons of Suits, and I’ll definitely watch them all if they’re as good as the first. The show manages to create drama that draws you in deeper and also leaves some mystery of the characters' pasts.

The author's comments:

I enjoyed watching this show, and I think it is a good fit for people looking for a funny drama.

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