Review: "Friends" - Because Who Needs Real Ones When You Have These Six? | Teen Ink

Review: "Friends" - Because Who Needs Real Ones When You Have These Six?

August 24, 2023
By Anonymous

Ah, "Friends"! The show that taught us that shouting "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" is a valid relationship argument, and that it's perfectly normal for a paleontologist and a fashion buyer to afford spacious apartments in New York City.

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: the iconic theme song. If you've never clapped four times during the "I'll be there for you" chorus, are you even human? Or have you just been living under a rock... or perhaps in one of Joey's acting classes?

Speaking of Joey, his "How you doin'?" catchphrase is probably responsible for a significant drop in successful pick-up lines in the late '90s. But hey, at least he gave it a try. And let's not forget his acting career. From battling STDs (Space Transmitted Diseases) as Dr. Drake Ramoray on "Days of Our Lives" to donning Ichiban, the lipstick for men, Joey's career choices were... eclectic, to say the least.

Then there's Ross. Ah, Ross. The man who made us believe that dinosaurs were cool long before Chris Pratt did. His three divorces might suggest he's unlucky in love, but let's be honest, getting to marry Jennifer Aniston even once is a win in most books.

Monica's obsession with cleanliness made all our OCD tendencies seem normal. And Chandler? Could he be any funnier? Well, maybe if he stopped with the dad jokes. But then again, that's what made him, well, Chandler.

Rachel's hair deserves its own spin-off series. From "The Rachel" to her evolving styles, she was the true hair icon of the '90s. And Phoebe? Between "Smelly Cat" and her colorful past (which includes stabbing a cop), she's the quirky friend we all wish we had.

But let's not forget the real star of the show: Central Perk's couch. How it remained unoccupied for them every single time is one of TV's greatest mysteries. Maybe it had its own reserved sign we never saw?

In conclusion, "Friends" is the perfect blend of humor, heart, and hair (thanks, Rachel). It's the show that made us all want to move to New York, find five friends, and sit in a coffee shop all day, pondering life's great questions, like "Could Joey be wearing any more clothes?"

Rating: 5/5 Central Perk Coffees ☕☕☕☕☕.

The author's comments:

Ah, "Friends"! The show that taught us that shouting "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" is a valid relationship argument!

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