The Good Place | Teen Ink

The Good Place

December 9, 2019
By natkoz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
natkoz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Self-proclaimed ‘Arizona Trash Bag’  Eleanor Shellstrop wakes up in a waiting room, meets Michael the Architect, and told that she is dead and in The Good Place. Through a series of chaotic revelations, Eleanor discovers that she is in The Good Place by mistake and belongs in The Bad Place. She meets her assigned soul mate, Chidi, a moral philosophy professor, and convinces him to help her lie and stay out of The Bad Place; and, despite his strong moral values, he agrees. Eleanor’s no-filter-attitude makes it difficult to keep her identity a secret, so Chidi decides to teach her the basics of moral philosophy. Eleanor and Chidi attempt to keep up their act when meeting their neighbors Tahani and Jason. Tahani is a brilliant, slightly self-involved philanthropist. Jason(AKA “Jianyu”) is a Buddhist monk sworn to silence. Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason, the core characters of the show, help each other in countless ways to become ethically better, more caring people. 


The Good Place explores well-known philosophy concepts, yet it remains humorous and upbeat during the characters' interactions and challenges. The plot of the show includes fantasy and sci-fi elements such as time jumps, a Siri-like character named Janet, memory wipes, and many more unexpected twists. Even so, The Good Place stays true to its message as it delves deeper into why being a good person matters. 


Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason develop throughout the show and display character growth that makes for refreshing, well-rounded characters. Kristen Bell creates utterly moving and hilarious character growth as Eleanor Shellstrop. William Jackson Harper brilliantly delivers Chidi Anagonye as a passionate and anxiety-prone moral professor. Jameela Al Jamil has recently begun her acting career, so her beautiful portrayal of the snobbish, yet lovable, Tahani Al Jamil is impressive. Manny Jacinto displays his broad acting range as he switches from Jianyu, a silent Buddhist monk, to Jason Mendoza, an oblivious DJ from Jacksonville, Florida. 


The Good Place exceeds all of my expectations. I had expected the sci-fi and fantasy elements to distract from the storyline, but they are well-integrated and help progress the plot and the characters’ goals. Although the show is unrealistic at times, since it takes place in a hypothetical afterlife, the producers can get away with more than they would in a typical setting. This freedom allows for a fresh and thought-provoking show, unlike anything else I have watched. The plot is compelling and draws attention to the importance of kindness and humanity. Despite its complex messages to the audience, The Good Place remains lighthearted and exciting for viewers to watch.

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