Jimmy Buffett Concert | Teen Ink

Jimmy Buffett Concert MAG

By Anonymous

   I am hardly a "parrot head." In fact, I had onlyheard of Jimmy Buffett a few times in my life. When I gottickets to his concert at the Tweeter Center recently, Ithought it would be just a nice time. Little did I know howamazing the entire scene inside and outside would be. Standingin the parking lot was more than just waiting for a concert tobegin - it was a happening.

The music was barely halfthe excitement. The parking lot was filled with barbecues,beach balls, sand and the occasional palm tree. Best of all,there were no confrontations or fights; everyone was friendlyand having a great time. Some of the people were having somuch fun they did not even care they did not have tickets tothe concert. Almost 50 people asked if I had any extra ticketsto sell. Unfortunately, I did not, and they were left outsideas I hurried in with 10,000 other lucky ticketholders.

As great as the parking lot party was, it waseasily surpassed by the concert. I will be the first to admitthat Jimmy Buffett isn't the most talented musician, but hedoes have a knack for getting people to stand and sway theirhips. Songs like "Cheeseburger in Paradise" and"Margaritaville" can make anybody sing and dance.Amazingly, those island beats reach out to a spectrum of fansfrom teenagers to baby boomers and everyone in-between.Looking around, it was almost surreal, seeing so many peoplein complete euphoria.

As I said, I am hardly a"parrot head," but I am on the verge of conversion.Jimmy Buffett is the perfect prescription for a person in needof a vacation. His music acts like a transporter to someexotic island, leaving all a person's cares and worriesbehind. I can hardly wait until next year. I hope I gettickets, but if I don't, I'm going anyway.


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i love this so much!