Play | Teen Ink

Play MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

     Moby's “Play” came out in 1999 and is one of the highest grossing CDs of all time. Moby shows off his incredible talents by writing, engineering, mixing and producing all the songs on this CD. He also plays all the instruments: piano, guitar, flute and drum.

From top to bottom, each song is very good with catchy beats and an overall relaxing tone. Even though Moby has refused to make a techno CD, several songs (“Honey,” “Find My Baby,” “Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad” and “Bodyrock”) fall under the heading of techno. The most popular song here is “South Side,” featuring Gwen Stefani. They form a good team for a great song.

“Porcelain,” “Everloving” and “My Weakness” are beautiful songs that are soothing to the mind and soul. If you want relaxing songs, these are the way to go. “Run On” continues the variety of the CD, producing a jazzy 1950s sound. This CD has everything! There is no swearing or negative lyrics on “Play” so it has broad appeal.

This is a must-buy for anyone who likes good music. Go out there and spend the 15 bucks for “Play.” You won't be disappointed.


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i love this so much!