We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus | Teen Ink

We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus

June 3, 2013
By BrittyMS DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
BrittyMS DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
51 articles 9 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every time I make a plan, God laughs at me." - Jason Issacs

I’ve never been the biggest fan of Miley Cyrus.

I didn’t like Hannah Montana, and therefore had a negatively biased opinion of the rest of Miley’s music. When “Can’t Be Tamed” came out in 2010, I was obsessed with it. Miley had a new, more mature sound and she carried it well. I listen to it all the time, and was actually excited when I saw her tweeting about her new song “We Can’t Stop.”

The song dropped today, however, and I am far from impressed.

That’s not to say it isn’t good. I just think she could do better. It’s a very chill, mellow song basically saying she can and will do what she wants. Very urban, devil-may-care feel to it.The kind of song you would listen to maybe download, listen to once in a long while when it popped up on your iTunes shuffle, not something I would listen to in the car and sing along to. The track, to me, almost sounds like a cross between “The Climb” and the song “Decisions” she did with Borgore. It isn’t the kind of track I would expect to be released as a “get psyched” track for an album. I also said that about Justin Timberlake’s first single from his new album, though, and I love the rest of it, so hopefully this this is a same-case scenario.

Miley has been saying for a while that her forthcoming album is going for a “dirty south” hybrid of hip-hop and country music. As intriguing as that sounds, “We Can’t Stop” make me wonder if Miley’s new album is all that I’m hoping it to be.


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