The Airborne Toxic Event by The Airborne Toxic Event | Teen Ink

The Airborne Toxic Event by The Airborne Toxic Event

May 25, 2011
By PJD17 SILVER, Belleville, Illinois
PJD17 SILVER, Belleville, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 624 comments

Favorite Quote:
I do the best imatation of myself- Ben Folds

The Airborne Toxic Event

Tell me, and please be honest, have you ever heard of The Airborne Toxic Event? No? You haven’t? Not a single one of you? My, my, what a shame. The Airborne Toxic Event is an up and coming band that has earned my adoration. Their debut self titled album, which came out a couple of years ago, is by far the greatest first CD I have ever heard. For the love sick, their songs serve as an adequate anthem that replicates the feelings of faded romance. For the casual listener, their music is simple and catchy, and very easy to remember. And then there are those of us with obsessive tendancies. For you, The Airborne Toxic Event is the perfect band. I am often shocked by how quickly time flies when I put on their CD.

But why discuss them now, after years have passed since their last CD? Well, I’m glad that you asked that. The Air Borne Toxic Event has just two weeks ago released a new CD titled, All at once. With this new CD, it is quite clear that this young band has not lost their touch. Do yourself a favor, and check out the Airborne Toxic Event.

The author's comments:
quite simply one of the best bands out there i'm not really all that interested in writing reviews becuase frankly i dont see much point in it, but it is sort of fun to do, and i might do it from time to time


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