Single "Brother Joe" Review | Teen Ink

Single "Brother Joe" Review

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Ole 60 is a country band from Kentucky that loves to write songs that are relative to people's lives. 

I first discovered this country band on TikTok as they promoted their single “Brother Joe.” They had around 1000 followers then, and it was the 5th song they released. I didn't know what to expect because they looked young for a band. But I began to listen to their songs and The rasp in their voices sent shivers down my spine. 

The single starts with a guitar solo at the beginning using minor chords to enhance the sadness that the song will bring. As the last chord of the intro hits, the lead singer introduces us to a man, “Brother Joe never had a lot, he became a man of God.” From the first words of this song, I knew it would be a roller coaster of emotions.

The song continues and more background information is given throughout the song's introduction. “Preacher man, he's so in love, With God, his woman, his three sons” The love of his life, Valerie, and Joe go on to build a life together and start a family. The backbeat throughout this part of the song made me feel happy for him that he was succeeding in life.

the tables turn when Brother Joe gets a call from the sheriff's department saying “Someone broke into the parsonage, the neighbors heard the poppin'.” I was in shock. Sadness swept over me. I felt anger knowing this happens to families all the time 

Towards the song's end, we see how he begins to cope with everything he has gone through. Overwhelmed with grief and despair Brother Joe believed it would be better off to meet the perpetrator and take his own life: “He ain't gonna make it right tonight if he don't paint the walls red; He puts the steel to his head; Two words is all he said.” These lyrics sent me into tears. It shocked me that the song took this bad of a turn.

This song will put anyone through waves of emotion. The song gives us a theme of love, loss, and faith.  It will leave you crying and thinking about how the people around you deal with hard times. This song will forever be in my Spotify playlist due to its great vocals and amazing sad lyrics. Give it a listen.

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