Kills You Slowly(The Chainsmokers)-Review......The Chainsmoker’s new song is a pun intended. | Teen Ink

Kills You Slowly(The Chainsmokers)-Review......The Chainsmoker’s new song is a pun intended.

March 30, 2019
By Priyanshu_rastogi SILVER, Lucknow, Other
Priyanshu_rastogi SILVER, Lucknow, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Kills You Slowly(The Chainsmokers)-Review

The Chainsmoker’s new song is a pun intended.


The Chainsmokers….only DJ duo in the world that rarely makes EDMs,but that doesn’t necessarily make them bad at their job ?! Or at least…too bad. This electro/soft pop song ‘Kills You Slowly’ is the second song in their new L.P. World War Joy, following their hit single with 5 Seconds of Summer -‘Who Do You Love’.

The song talks about unrequited love. It presents love as a battlefield, as a war per say. It talks about how their (Drew and his partner…obviously) love is dying, and how this love conflict is killing them.

The lyrics fall flat at MOST points(and this is just the first verse *laughs*) -

You walked a mile in Louis Vuittons and f---ed 'em up
You know that they're my favorite

So there are Louis Vuittons in a song about dying love(someone teach these guys how to write lyrics).Their lyrics to this day, after so many songs/albums/L.P.s feel empty.

Lyrics like-

Arguments that never end
You're talkin' sh-t to spice up conversation
I'm so sick of back and forth

Really make no sense in the bigger picture. Lyrically…well no one expects much from these guys anyway.

As for production, the song starts off with a sweet guitar(Drew’s favorite instrument) tune transitioning into a drum beat, not so unfamiliar(p.s.-The same beat was used in their single with 5 Seconds of Summer).The pre-chorus has Drew singing in a falsetto, which to me is…fine. I know a lot of people don’t like Drew’s voice and I’m not going to say his voice is the most modulated voice in the world but he has been improving over the years, although the excessive auto tune doesn’t seems to dwindle in any of their songs since their entry into the music market. The chorus experiences that same drum beat but more perceptible. Drew tries to go for a high note but the impact fades away behind the excessive autotune.The punch that you get from a Shaun Mendes or Adam Levine highs is lacking here.The same pattern for verse,pre-chorus and chorus is repeated again for the second and the third times.

The song does give off vibes of a certain other Chainsmoker’s song – You Owe Me, which was also, by the way, the second song they released last year in their previous L.P. ‘Sick Boy’. All in all the song is in no sense a sensational master piece, and seeing how less advertisement was given to this song by the artists them-selves, it really does show even they were not interested in the song. ‘ITS A SONG BECAUSE IT’S A SONG’, that’s all you can say about this song. Is this song going to make you a Chainsmoker fan?…NO, definitely not. There are far better Chainsmoker’s out there, go listen to them or maybe listen to something else and wait for their next collab song.  

The author's comments:

The Chainsmokers have come up with a new song for their new L.P. World War Joy and its...substandard.I have come up with a first impression/review of the song to spare you the extra effort of actully listening to the song.


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