Captain Phillips | Teen Ink

Captain Phillips

May 2, 2018
By Anonymous

Captain Phillips is an accurate representation of a true event that happened to these men on their ship the “Alabama”. I’ve seen this movie twice now, and both times, i’ve thought this was a incredible movie. Tom Hanks is one of the greatest actors in america and this is just another superb performance. This movie is extremely suspenseful and will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish… guaranteed! Towards the end of the movie you start to feel sympathetic for the Somalian pirates because they are forced into the life. I think that the directors and actors captured the emotions and feelings of these characters really well, seeing that it is a true story. I felt as if i could connect with the characters and how they were feeling. Shock, anger, confusion, depression, these are all strong emotions that are carried out very well from start to finish of the film. Overall, great acting and accurate character representations, i would recommend this to anyone. Barkhad Abdi made his debut in this film as the head bad guy, “Muse”. He was nominated for numerous awards, including best supporting actor ( which is an oscar). Being nominated for an Oscar is no small feat, some actors will never be able to say that that’s happened for them… Let alone in your first ever movie.  An extremely talented cast that compliments well with the superior acting talents of Mr. Hanks. Any movie where I feel I can relate to how the characters are feeling is usually a entertaining movie to say the least. IMDb gave Captain Phillips a 7.9/10 which is very impressive considering the top grossing movie ever (Titanic) received a 7.8. Another way to tell that this movie is addicting and rewatchable is when you have a silent high school classroom. High school is very loud and usually when a teacher puts a video or a movie on, everyone talks non-stop. But to my amazement, when Captain Phillips was put on, everyone got quiet and remained quiet until the end of class. Everyone was intrigued to find out what was going to happen next and for good reason. I strongly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys movies! There are no scenarios I could foresee in which someone finished this movie and was not impressed or upset they watched it. Be smart, watch Captain Phillips. Has Tom Hanks ever made a movie that people didn’t love?

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