Goodfellas | Teen Ink


November 15, 2017
By TazzySnazzy SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
TazzySnazzy SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You cant change the way the wind blows but you can adjust the sails.

“As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster.” This opening line of my favorite movie “Goodfellas” has been burned into my brain ever since I saw this masterpiece. From a family oriented story, to friendship, to love, this movie just hits on all cylinders. Most reviews I’ve read don’t say too many bad things about this movie. The reason is simple, this movie ranked #2 on the list of best mobster movies. Only falling behind “The Godfather”.

The movie is based on a true story for all of those who don’t know. The film follows main character and mob associate Henry Hill right from childhood up until the end. The director Martin Scorsese does a good job of introducing everybody in Henry’s life throughout the movie and showing their backgrounds or what they’re about. From childhood friend and now crazy gun-slinging associate Tommy or Jimmy, a fatherly figure in Henry’s life that needless to say may of led him down the wrong road.  The beginning of the film does a splendid job of using flashbacks to set the tone of the movie as well. Nothing say’s “you’re in for a ride Henry” like a thought to be dead man in your trunk. Which almost instantly fast forwards to good times hanging out on the block to give you an idea of how little some things affected them.

Another thing that made this movie one of a kind is the all-star cast! You have Ray Liotta playing as Henry. Robert De Niro playing as Jimmy. And last but not least Joe Pesci playing the nut Tommy. Their acting was of course a big factor in how well the movie turned out to be but i can’t think of anybody else that would fit those roles as good as them. They were just down right fantastic. If i see a preview of a movie and one of those guys are in it I almost instantly buy my ticket. That’s the effect this movie will put on it’s audience. It’ll even influence future purchases! Maybe it’s just me, but that has to say something about this movie if anything.

“Goodfellas” is a two hour and thirty minute sneak peak of a life that many of us wouldn’t dare take on and for good reason. This movie might just make you thankful you have a desk job and you aren’t a shoot first ask questions later mobster. The story is a good one and true which is cool but kinda bad at the same time considering this was actually someone’s life. It starts in 1955 and goes through until 1980. During this time we as an audience get to see the rise and fall of a would be mobster. On top of this I think the soundtrack of this movie fits it perfectly and you may find yourself humming a few tunes after the credits roll. I don’t want to give too much of this movie away because i truly think everyone should watch this at least once.

In conclusion this movie in my opinion is one of the best movies of all time and deserves all the high praise it receives. I must say this movie has some parts that aren’t for the weak hearted but it’s just something you’ll have to deal with. I honestly think it’s a 10/10 because i can’t think of a weak point this movie has. The storyline, acting, cast, setting, and even the soundtrack are legendary. Other movies aspire to be as successful as “Goodfellas” and if you take my advice and watch this movie you will surely see why. So stop reading and go get yourself a copy!

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Adam Birowski


The author's comments:

A review about my favorite movie.


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