sweeny todd | Teen Ink

sweeny todd

March 17, 2009
By Elijah Swertfeger BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Elijah Swertfeger BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of Fleet Street is a great musical, but not your average musical/movie. This movie is rated R for all its violence and blood although it has violence and blood it also has emotion. Personally I just like the blood.

This movie is about a barber who is shoved out at sea by order of the judge. You're probably wondering why. Well the judge likes his wife and wanted to get rid of him. Luckily Benjamin Barker is rescued by a young sailor and goes back to London pretending to be a man named Sweeny Todd. Sweeny later finds out his wife poisoned herself and his daughter was adopted by the judge. Now Sweeny wants his revenge, so he starts a barber shop but really kills everybody, waiting for the judge. This movie is amazing it shows a bunch of people's points of view on what's happening, I only said Sweeny's.

The main character Sweeny Todd is played by Johnny Depp. Johnny really captures the psychotic killer parting the movie. I think he mastered his craziness when he played Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny did so well playing Sweeny Todd he won a Golden Globe for best performance by an actor in a motion picture-movie or comedy.

Generally I don't like musicals but this one was amazing. The blood was awesome, the singing was awesome and the fact that this movie keeps you thinking about how freaky it is, is so totally awesome. I rate this movie 5 stars because it's the best movie I've seen in a long time. I also liked this movie because characters don't just have small parts the characters come back into the movie. For example the young sailor who saved Sweeny comes back to the movie having Sweeny help him to take the judges adopted daughter to travel the world with him (yes I'm talking about Sweeny's daughter). Anybody who likes movies with everything in them including killing, revenge, singing and love will enjoy this movie.

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on Jul. 8 2010 at 4:39 pm
drnova PLATINUM, Toronto, Other
21 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a big game, but no one knows the rules and only madmen can play it right!

ah johnny ,love ya (can't wait for pirates 4 you)