Fault in Our Stars | Teen Ink

Fault in Our Stars

October 29, 2016
By katie252 BRONZE, READING, Pennsylvania
katie252 BRONZE, READING, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the Fault in our stars there are two main characters, Hazel grace and Augustus waters. They both were diganosed with cancer, and both put into treatmeat to get better. They first met eachother at a support group, they later become friends and hangout day in and day out. Later on. they fall in love and meet an author they had adored, but what they didn't realize that the words they put onto paper weren't the same as what came out of his mouth. Everything changes when there lives come to a striking holt as there lives become more depressing and sad, may even put a tear in your eye this book you won't wanna stop reading says; a girl who hates reading with a passion. 

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