If I Stay | Teen Ink

If I Stay

September 15, 2015
By haileylogan BRONZE, Lomond, Other
haileylogan BRONZE, Lomond, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are sad movies redone, reborn, and rewatched. Movies show a visual appeal in which way books cannot. Sad and romantic movies are replayed like a tape stuck in a recorder. So how do we take the tape out and put in a fresh one? We start with a blank slate and create something no one has ever thought of before. If I Stay is a movie that makes you feel touched and thankful for all you have. It gave me a new look on movies and how much thought was put into this movie. On the cover of the dvd case it shows us 12 boxes that show us the characters life. The box that stood out for me was the one in the middle that says ‘live for love,’ and throughout the whole movie it sticks to that theme; live for love.

If I Stay was the perfect mix. It shows us a life which seems almost unbearable towards the end and how the main character, Mia, almost gives up, but she holds on, she has to stay for all those that our counting on her to pull through and to wake up and out comes the question “If I Stay” or “Do I Stay?”  It the biggest question at all and is hard to predict what could happen in the end. In the movie you end up feeling for Mia, seeing the pain through her eyes, and feeling the hurt inside her chest.

Throughout the whole movie, Mia is in a coma. All of her memories are replayed and she watches her life before her eyes. She can see herself in the hospital, and she watches with wide eyes as people she thought didn't care anymore reaper to sit by her bedside and pray she wakes up. When I watched this movie, it opened my eyes to the tragedy she went through and how she coped with it. Everyone she cares about passes away, just leaving her. She loses people but gains people back that she thought didn't even care anymore.  While watching the movie I feel like i'm a part of it. I'm her sister hoping she wakes up and crying every time she has a down moment or cheering when her smile is bright and happy.
This movie wasn't full of life's happy endings or perfect glamourous movie lives. It showed us how movies should be displayed and how life just isn't all sunny days and good vibes. This movie stayed true from beginning to end. It gave the audience emotion, and made them feel for Mia, seeing the world through her eyes. It showed us how to ‘live for love’ bearing through every rough patch.

Its definitely a rainy day, feel good movie that can be watched over and over. My favorite quote that sticks with me throughout everyday is ‘Isn't it amazing how life is one thing, then in an instant, it becomes something else.’  I rate it a worthy 10/10.

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